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Nacho used AtE! It's super effective!

Don't lynch him, guys, I totally* believe his story about running and stuff. (At least give me a chance to interrogate drealmer.)

Dear Nacho, I hope you're proud of yourself. Sincerely, Stanari.
Stanari: I'm town because like. PR. Falsifiable PR no less.
Well, does knowing said blind spot speak to why you think Tammy is confused? I'm not following you there.

And how is your PR falsifiable? In theory you, maybe tammy, maybe cristi are the only people liable to move. And you could really be 1x tracker, kinda like Lift was possibly really 1x commuter. If you claim to have tracked yogs doing nothing, it's not like he's liable to counter-claim you there.

Or if you're scum at mylo you pitch that he did move ftw.

vote nachomamma8
like I've fleshed out my kids and my wife in full

my wife and I met in the middle of the woods when we were both running. she was the first woman that i've ever truly loved; I kept running from past loves because they felt like obligations more than loves, but she was the one to change all of that for me, and she and Oakwood were the two things that actually inspired me to explore, to live a real life.

and we have two kids, 2 and 6: sam (I almost cried) and jenna (I wouldn't name my kid jenna ever). sam was going to be my artist child who hated his father for a really long time but was secretly the one that I saw having traits like mind and jenna was going to be the overachiever who was always looking to impress the parents even though we would love her anyways. i first bonded with my young daughter when she ran before she walked; it seemed like she had the same drive to explore and travel like i did.
I don't have a flavor breakdown for night one. You all saw what I did with what's his name. I didn't do anythning after that so I'm guessing that's why you didn't see anything.
yogsloth: In Windsor, Ontario?
TammyTown: You mean just outside Detroit?
Missed that on first pass - in the song it's "South Detroit" but there is no south Detroit other than Windsor.

Nachomamma8: like I've fleshed out my wife
from what i hear half of town fleshed out your wife. heyo!!!

besides - when did you get married. you were trying to get me in the sack repeatedly there.

But seriously, you could have done all that as WW. I hear they have rich familial bonds and deep emotional lives, and really cute WW kids.

vote nachomamma8
OK, I'm going to bed.

Nacho is waxing maudlin about never seeing his kids again, and I can respect that, but I'll just tape it and watch it later, k?

I'm assuming it won't end tomorrow, but fair warning, Saturdays are my hell days I mean days of joy. Tomorrow = two baseball games a hockey game AND supposed to go to a real hockey game after that. I will not see electricity for the whole day. We'll see if I can figure out a phone or something, but for the most part, good luck to us all, see ya in about 24 hours.
bler144: Well, does knowing said blind spot speak to why you think Tammy is confused? I'm not following you there.
I don't think Tammy is confused, I think flavor shenanigans are muddying the waters and it's possible Nacho is telling the truth. The nature of my results supports this, and vaguely indicates the possibility of a blind spot. That clear?
And how is your PR falsifiable?
*potentially falsifiable

It's a throwaway sundown defense. Don't lynch me for it :P

TammyTown: I don't have a flavor breakdown for night one. You all saw what I did with what's his name. I didn't do anythning after that so I'm guessing that's why you didn't see anything.
I assume you mean before that?

I don't suppose you'd know why Ix thought you were out?
yogsloth: AND supposed to go to a real hockey game after that..
Well, that pretty much rules out you going to see the Kings.

vote nachomamma8
TammyTown: You mean just outside Detroit?
bler144: Missed that on first pass - in the song it's "South Detroit" but there is no south Detroit other than Windsor.

Nachomamma8: like I've fleshed out my wife
bler144: from what i hear half of town fleshed out your wife. heyo!!!

besides - when did you get married. you were trying to get me in the sack repeatedly there.

But seriously, you could have done all that as WW. I hear they have rich familial bonds and deep emotional lives, and really cute WW kids.

vote nachomamma8
i know it's super dumb but it's drealmer's fault :(
i've never actually asked for a day because of a flavor reasons before but i think cristi is the Final Solution and i have a very strong interest in getting home to my children and would really appreciate if you give me this and nothing more; if i'm scum i'm buying one day and that very likely doesn't matter at all but if i'm town then i'm extremely grateful to you for really dumb reasons which is a good thing to have under your belt
TammyTown: I don't have a flavor breakdown for night one. You all saw what I did with what's his name. I didn't do anythning after that so I'm guessing that's why you didn't see anything.
@Tammy - was your shot on Dessi a NK?

If your shot was a NK, technically, I'd expect Stanari to see something if she tracked you. BTW, this is one scenario where I could see the mod clarifying due to the flavor.
but drealmser told me nacho did someting.

I don't get why stanari is calling it a blind spot?
tammy - are you okay with me getting one day/night?
TammyTown: I don't have a flavor breakdown for night one. You all saw what I did with what's his name. I didn't do anythning after that so I'm guessing that's why you didn't see anything.
cristigale: @Tammy - was your shot on Dessi a NK?

If your shot was a NK, technically, I'd expect Stanari to see something if she tracked you. BTW, this is one scenario where I could see the mod clarifying due to the flavor.
it technically is a nightkill. You all saw it. I'm not sure why stanari didn't see it unless it was drealmer considering an action besides what I did in front of everyone.
I may have a blind spot. Tammy may share it with me, action-detecting-wise. I don't think it's come into play on her part, but it looks like it did for me N1 WRT me not seeing her shot.

If I have to say much more I'll probably just reveal completely.

Don't lynch me, flavor shenanigans.
Nachomamma8: that very likely doesn't matter at all
That's taking quite a bit on faith since the setup is a mystery jumble. Lots of ways 1-2 wolves could still cause havoc. Say it's you/stan - you buy a day for her moreso than yourself, which might be enough to squeeze out the win from the jaws of defeat.

Besides if you're town you still win if town wins. I mean, sure, yogsloth may be comforting your imaginary wife in that scenario (unless she prefers the ladies), but TOWN, town will be safe and prosperous again.

And will honor you with a giant, well-hung statue.

Q: Hypothetically you have 3 shots for the [town] win - who do you shoot right now and why? Have to use all 3. Do it for your kids, man!

vote nachomamma8

I should get to bed here soon, and I'll be offline a good chunk of tomorrow as well, so...

unvote, I guess?

Need to be on the road by 7:30 or so so probably won't be on the morning. Hope to at least check in by mid-afternoon PST, and should be back on in the eve more reliably. That certainly turned into a ...lively evening.

No, wait: vote nachomamma8