Posted October 19, 2016

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

killed yogsloth
Registered: Aug 2016
From United States
Posted October 19, 2016
Vote: Cristigale

Registered: Sep 2016
From United States
Posted October 19, 2016
I'm inclined to believe there was interference from some unknown factor over drealmer decided the first day should be hammered for the heck of it.
bler144: Do you perceive yourself having towncred or not, at least relative to the two others in line to potentially claim? Nacho's basically unviable with Brasas or Lift, ever, which makes him exceedingly unlikely to be wolf; still having the SK twitches from him though. Cristi has been under my radar for much of the game, which is a tad problematic.
So basically: I don't think anyone has particularly a lot of towncred in this pool, but it largely depends on how one perceives gamestate and stuff. I mean. I might have a little not-wolf cred depending on how paranoid one is, but I don't think my votes on wolves were particularly "zomg that's not buddies" or anything. I haven't been playing to obvtown so this is no surprise.
I'm okay with cristi claiming second or whatever but I strongly prefer claiming last.

So basically: I don't think anyone has particularly a lot of towncred in this pool, but it largely depends on how one perceives gamestate and stuff. I mean. I might have a little not-wolf cred depending on how paranoid one is, but I don't think my votes on wolves were particularly "zomg that's not buddies" or anything. I haven't been playing to obvtown so this is no surprise.
Given that you have notes, please, elaborate. What in your notes gives cristi the highest probability of SK/wolf?
I'm not even trying to defend her, I'm just not clear where your progression is to reach this read.
My progression is largely "I threw some post its around at 11:30 PM" followed by forgetting to write down why I reached such conclusions. I'll do my best to figure it out again...ah. Nacho, yog, and perversely enough trent (although this is a wifomy read) are unlikely to be wolf and Tammy is literally never SK. I'm not even trying to defend her, I'm just not clear where your progression is to reach this read.
I'm okay with cristi claiming second or whatever but I strongly prefer claiming last.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted October 19, 2016
Cristi's claiming first, period, or it's the halter.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted October 19, 2016
A compelling argument.
Stanari: So basically: I don't think anyone has particularly a lot of towncred in this pool, but it largely depends on how one perceives gamestate and stuff.
My progression is largely "I threw some post its around at 11:30 PM" followed by forgetting to write down why I reached such conclusions.
perversely enough trent (although this is a wifomy read) are unlikely to be wolf 1) agreed.
2) yeah, that answer worries me a lot. you said you have notes, and now you may have post-it notes that may or may not explicate your conclusions?
3) WIFOM and all, why, iyo, is trent unlikely to be wolf?
The thrust so far today is reeeally reminding me of end of Lift's game in an uncomfortably tingly way.

My progression is largely "I threw some post its around at 11:30 PM" followed by forgetting to write down why I reached such conclusions.
perversely enough trent (although this is a wifomy read) are unlikely to be wolf
2) yeah, that answer worries me a lot. you said you have notes, and now you may have post-it notes that may or may not explicate your conclusions?
3) WIFOM and all, why, iyo, is trent unlikely to be wolf?
The thrust so far today is reeeally reminding me of end of Lift's game in an uncomfortably tingly way.

Registered: Sep 2016
From United States
Posted October 19, 2016

3) WIFOM and all, why, iyo, is trent unlikely to be wolf?
If I take note-notes they almost always end up in thread. These notes are literally back-of-a-napkin to do lists.
3) well I mean he literally derailed two wolf lynches, that takes balls. Also nebulous tone things.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted October 19, 2016
@all, so if we get 2 claims and 3rd refuses to claim whether directly or by absence, what then?
Stanari: 2) Perhaps your expectations are too high. My notes, as referenced here, consist of a whiteboard on which I slap post its with stick figures/people's names/enigmas/random post numbers I found important enough to write down and crudely drawn graphs labeled with "alive", "ded", "???", and so on. All right, I accept your definition of notes. Fair enough. I'd still like an explanation of how they congeal to "cristi has the highest probability of being SK or wolf."
Also, if you could do a full reads list for the 6 of us, and mark a ___________ line to show above/below town, I'm curious about relative positioning. Is cristi just barely leaning non-town and everyone else slightly town? Or is trent slightly not-town and cristi really not-town?
Not that y'all need my vote to do what you want to do.

Also, if you could do a full reads list for the 6 of us, and mark a ___________ line to show above/below town, I'm curious about relative positioning. Is cristi just barely leaning non-town and everyone else slightly town? Or is trent slightly not-town and cristi really not-town?
Not that y'all need my vote to do what you want to do.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

Registered: Sep 2016
From United States
Posted October 19, 2016

I'd still like an explanation of how they congeal to "cristi has the highest probability of being SK or wolf."
Also, if you could do a full reads list for the 6 of us, and mark a ___________ line to show above/below town, I'm curious about relative positioning. Is cristi just barely leaning non-town and everyone else slightly town? Or is trent slightly not-town and cristi really not-town?
This is really hard because there's four or five dimensions (likelihood of being SK, likelihood of being last solo maf, likelihood of being scum on various 2x3 compositions) to account for. Honestly, hoping massclaim collapses some possibilities there. Tammy - most likely to be town; can't be SK, and don't think she looks viable in many multiball arrangements.
Bler - you have a decent-good chance of being town, I think, but the PGO claim screws with my head.
Yog - keeps hitting me right in my weak spot but if anything probably SK.
Nacho - if he's scum I don't want to be town, but I keep getting vague 3P vibes.
Trent - I picked up a ton of wackiness early on but ?????
Cristi - uncomfortably under the radar, can't be cleared as either SK or wolf.
I guess it's not entirely inconsistent with your description of his scumplay, fair. Just. Really counterintuitive to me.

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted October 19, 2016
I gotta catch up but, first, and I'm like, really really really sorry that this isn't clear by this point, I swear I made it clear a few times (I don't have time / energy to go try and find them atm), but, obviously not. I could have done better for this part of the game, but, well, I'll get more into it after game I suppose
I'll explicitly say:
there is NO majority lynch. The person with the most votes at the end of the Day, gets lynched. If there is a tie, the Day ends in no-lynch.
D1 ended in a no-lynch. That's ALL I CAN TELL YOU!
I'll explicitly say:
there is NO majority lynch. The person with the most votes at the end of the Day, gets lynched. If there is a tie, the Day ends in no-lynch.
D1 ended in a no-lynch. That's ALL I CAN TELL YOU!

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

Registered: Sep 2016
From United States
Posted October 19, 2016
tl;dr some mechanical silliness happened

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted October 19, 2016
yeah, ability to nullify a vote or something it would seem. will save it for the post-mortem, but when I had that sort of mechanic in my game I made it pretty clear when the card was played and adjusted the vote count.
Albeit the result was less effective that way (perhaps speaks to balance? perhaps to setup?)...
but , and moreso [url=]Krypsyn's reaction, was very amusing.
Albeit the result was less effective that way (perhaps speaks to balance? perhaps to setup?)...
but , and moreso [url=]Krypsyn's reaction, was very amusing.

Registered: Sep 2016
From United States
Posted October 19, 2016
My original speculation was actually that if the votecount is thus:
Player A (4) - B, C, D, E
No Lynch (3) - X, Y, Z
Player X (1) - A
Player A will, out of self preservation, automatically move their vote to the nearest counterwagon. Although in hindsight perhaps this is only in effect with no lynch votes. If you think about it, if there's more people voting no lynch or the next largest wagon than the main wagon, they can tie at will and all.
Of course, the vote avalanche at EoD1 does kind of suggest deliberate scum action in that regard.
bler144: Do want to come back to a few things, but at this point we're probably just spinning our wheels until claims start rolling in.
FWIW, I was more worried about a scenario where cristi/nacho decide not to claim moreso than you. If cristi is going first, which seems to be at least the most vocal feeling, obviously I'm mostly concerned about nacho deciding not to play along. I grow increasingly concerned that you're BSing because I didn't even answer one of your questions that I quoted! Also because at least part of that post was BS.
The answer to that question, which was why cristi is most likely, was "because things, also gut, also Stan". You're welcome. Ask me in a few days and I'll have a better answer, possibly.
Nacho, where is Nacho anyway?
Player A (4) - B, C, D, E
No Lynch (3) - X, Y, Z
Player X (1) - A
Player A will, out of self preservation, automatically move their vote to the nearest counterwagon. Although in hindsight perhaps this is only in effect with no lynch votes. If you think about it, if there's more people voting no lynch or the next largest wagon than the main wagon, they can tie at will and all.
Of course, the vote avalanche at EoD1 does kind of suggest deliberate scum action in that regard.

FWIW, I was more worried about a scenario where cristi/nacho decide not to claim moreso than you. If cristi is going first, which seems to be at least the most vocal feeling, obviously I'm mostly concerned about nacho deciding not to play along.
The answer to that question, which was why cristi is most likely, was "because things, also gut, also Stan". You're welcome. Ask me in a few days and I'll have a better answer, possibly.
Nacho, where is Nacho anyway?

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted October 19, 2016

The answer to that question, which was why cristi is most likely, was "because things, also gut, also Stan". You're welcome. Ask me in a few days and I'll have a better answer, possibly.
Imo "strong post overall" was to mean "taken as a whole" not that I liked every individual piece of it. Not sure why you're reading it as 100% consent.