Stanari: If it's 4:2:1 and we have two kills then it's mylo was what I was thinking. Or even potentially lylo if disappearer aligns with wolves.
I kind of feel like we should be lynching cristi today.
Why 4:2:1 specifically? And who are the two, in your imaginings? Compulsive Arsonist and Town Bodyguard of Arsonist?
Why cristi specifically? What's your current gauge on trent?
Was playing with a few things thinking about Stan's setup question, and noticed something that is likely just useless data, but something in the setup that, at least in current data is not truly random. Go back to the original roster, and here's the first 8 slots:
Dessimu (wolf) 2.
Lifthrasil (wolf) 3. docbear1975 (PR)
4. Ixamyakxim (PR)
RWarehall (wolf) 6. QuadrAlien (PR)
7. bookwyrm627 (VT)
Brasas (wolf) All 4 flipped wolves are there in the upper half. While "random" is more clustered than people tend to think, again, that looks more like someone trying to make something look random rather than actually random. If my math is correct, I think there's only a 3% chance of that design actually _being_ random [hypgeomdist(4,8,4,17)] if it were 12/4/1.
Bottom 9 looks like this from my POV:
9. cristigale
10. SirCrimsonFox (unk)
11. yogsloth
12. Nachomamma8
13. TammyTown (PR town?)
14. trentonlf
15. bler144 (PR)
16. DragonSushi (VT)
17. Stanari
Maybe it's meaningless and there's 2 wolves in the bottom half and it is at least quasi-random when the full flipped population is viewed. IDK. Just stood out.
However unlikely, would be interesting symmetry if cristi were neutral fulcrum with one faction at the top, another at the bottom, and town scattered between. Of course, if that's the case town is probably finished.
If fox/yogs/trent/stan are scum, well, then they'd have the right to be a little peeved unless drealmer made it symmetric on purpose to test our maths and pattern recognition. Not very mafia, but hey.
Anyway, that was just pre-bedtime musing. Long past game-quitting time, so with that I'm quitting.
For the night. Don't get too excited.