Defend Stan! Surely only town could ask a question about dead players! I'm not voting Stan right now, no siree!
Ok, well, to the extent there's a pattern, I think it's dess defending teammates.
In the stripper game (#39), Krypsyn was vigged (no votes but heat from yogs at least) by Hijack when Hijack was L-1, and I asked to be mod-killed (for a variety of reasons) with no real wagon either. So hard to say definitively, but one post seems most pertinent:
in this post,
Dess defends me against Drealmer . Particularly notable as Drealmer had already been mod-killed (starting the chain that left to me leaving). Later in the post he makes a light push against a question I'd raised, but no heat on me at all.
He listed Krypsyn and I in the middle pack: "Some players look towny with a hint of something bitter (yogsloth, bler, dedoporno, Krypsyn, cristigale)" below towny and over "can't read."
He doesn't really interact with krypsyn directly other than one RVS shitpost about chickens (interacts with me in that fashion 2-3 times as well).
In the ordinary game (#35)
RVS shitposting with flub (though note, also shitposts with at least 3 townies).
n his overall player summary he lists both Wyrm (somewhat scummy but maybe towny) and flub (sometimes strikes me as odd) in the middle of the pack. None of his scummiest (zeo/krypsyn/jmich) or his towniest (agent/dedo?) are buddies.
After that, no real direct interaction with flub, but uses votes on flub as a foil
in attacking AFP & Leonard both it seems. Earlier said [url=]he would re-read flub alongside his other main subject (Leonard, who ends up being the lynch IIRC) but then seemingly doesn't.
As for wyrm,
light pressure on him but no real direct interaction.
Defends wyrm a bit later shaped as drealmer v. wyrm
Doesn't address wyrm directly at all, and when he does it's only to say "I am not scum." in the end game (#1000).
So to the extent it helps, low direct interaction without completely ignoring, direct and indirect defense. No evidence of busing. Middle-of-pack reads for buddies.
Low-hanging fruit certainly in game #35 - D1 almost entirely on zeo; D2 AFP then mostly Leonard (lynched); D3 AFP (lynched, scum win b/c agent wasn't paying attn :) ).
#39 a bit too much of a mess to judge b/c of the 2 modkills and vig shot on D1. Think he made a brief push on trent for voting drealmer, but he got an early spot on hijack's lurk-wagon. Did make a push for cristi (lynched0 after krypsyn/I exited, but since the lynch rules were different, I have no idea how many votes her lynch required. Flub's death post doesn't include a count.
So he was a bit more ambitious in his pushes, anyway.
I haven't looked at how that translates to this game, so IDK. Have fun!