Dessimu: What does it stand for?
"In search of" or "Isolate". What it means is when you go back through the thread and search/read one specific player's post only.
I just don't understand how any of the regular GoG players can think that was a DayVig.
Now I see a theory that it was Yogs. The same Yogs who insists there is no way as SK he'd be so impolite as to kill one of the players he just invited to the game. But you are claiming that if he had a DayVig, this would be okay then. It just doesn't make sense. On what basis would Yogs be using this power so early? And why does it suddenly become okay to kill a mostly lurker very early in day 1 if you are town with a DayVig?
Here's the question you should be asking....
What kind of roles might have a day kill power like that and what kind of role is going to take a very early random shot that early in the game with so little information?
First, let's talk about limited shot vs. unlimited shot.
Why, if one's shots were limited (or if using it in the day were limited) would one use a DayVig that early in the game? The answer is "Hell No!" I'd wait until I had something more conclusive. Think about it. Pretend you are given a Vig role. Let's imagine you have a 2-shot DayVig power. Do you use one that early?
But maybe you saw Sushi do something really scummy? If so, would you use your limited shot power or would you bring it up and get her lynched? C'mon people. Wake the heck up!
It should be pretty clear, there is no good reason for a Town player with a limited shot DayVig power to kill Sushi.
So what about "unlimited" shot? Again, I will repeat...what can a town Vig see that would warrant the use of a Day Vig very early in the day like that, which isn't also convincing enough to be brought up and get that person lynched?
C'mon, I'm listening...
And while I'm at it. How many unlimited vigs have you seen in our GoG games? It's been brought up many times by some of our moderators how they consider that a overpowered role, thus they only include Vigs with limited shots. Do you include an unlimited Vig in a big game like this with what seems like a lot of roles already?
Wake up and think about it. If you use your brain it should be really clear that kill was a serial killer (or maybe they gave scum a one-shot extra day kill...maybe). Because someone who is town isn't going to waste it that early and use it that recklessly. Even if it's unlimited, a townie is going to gather more info before it's use so they don't make a mistake. And then the question is if you see something that is such a clear scum tell that it warrants a Vig shot, why can't you also mention it in the thread and get them lynched.
Nope, but if it's a Serial Killer, all bets are off. They are going to pick a target which enhances your chances to survive and a lurker makes sense because there is little to go on or killing someone early who you fear might be able to read you makes a lot of sense as well.
But hey, so many people insisting it's just a wonder you were fooled by the Town Arsonist.
And as to your "town reads", if you are reading Tammy as 100% pure town...
You are letting her throw you a load of crap...
How many Serial Killers have we had in our games? How many times was Mafia going after them? 0! Heck, remember the Town Arsonist game...who won? did they win? They left the SK alive...
But listen to Tammy...she knows...only scum want to kill the SK so its a clear sign I must be scum. She's such the elite player, disagreeing with her and her great deal of experience would just be doesn't matter that we have had SK roles in many games. It doesn't matter that mafia have usually left them alive for the confusion factor and the fact they are more likely to kill a townie than scum because town outnumbers scum. Nope, TammyTown knows better than our own experiences.
When I see a player repeatedly tell everyone how bad her own scum game is...or how they play so completely different when they are scum than they are playing now...
When I see a player misrepresent information or give bad analysis on a topic...such as which faction is the only one who wants to hunt SKs...
I DON'T READ THAT AS TOWN. I see someone potentially fabricating a case to remove a threat. I trust her as much as I trust Yogs...
But hey, keep reading her as completely 100% town...maybe her analysis is just merely a bit misguided...and maybe this time she's really a "Town Serial Killer"...I'd keep her alive too because she is just soooo town.
The short story...I'm pretty sure we have a Serial Killer. While there is a slim possibility scum were given a day kill or some townie used their power super recklessly, the far more likely possibility is a SK. I don't understand why so many of you seem hellbent not to see this, but I didn't understand how you let a "Town" Arsonist stay alive either with his claim of Town Arsonist who knows with certainty there is one scum on a fixed list of 3 names and not realize how insanely overpowered that would be...
I don't know as certainly this SK is TammyTown, but given the way she has fought back and tried to mischaracterize the SK situation and pass shade onto me; Given that the death of Sushi by a SK might be to eliminate someone who might be good at reading you which makes Nacho and Tammy more likely. I see her as the most likely suspect. It very well could be a GoG player who thought ahead in the WIFOM game and maybe Nacho. But so far, she is the one who sticks out.
As to this day...what the heck...
Ixam claims Compulsive "Unspecified" investation role.
Bookwyrm claims "Mason" but as a flavor role which may or may not be has actual role, but he will leave enough breadcrumbs for the other Masons if this just happens to be his actual role, but it might as just be flavor...
Babark claims "doc" but leaves it vague enough that he could be trolling us just like Bookwyrm and he might just be referring to his flavor role as a vet...
At the very least, we had a fair bit of activity. We had a lot of bad and forth accusations, many of them heated. There are a fair number of combinations of people I don't see as scum buddies together which is useful.
While it looks like we won't get a lynch, unlike many Day 1's, I think it's not a total waste...
And when I see Trentonlf voting No-Lynch, hell hast frozen over...
What the heck, this is a strange game. If the going gets strange, join the strange...
Unvote Dessimu Vote no-Lynch Boy, that was incredibly hard to type...I know somethings wrong, when I'm starting to agree with not lynching anyone Day 1. At least the day seems productive enough without a lynch.
Not to say I won't hammer. Heck, I'd even be willing to hammer Mr. Trapsmith if I had the chance as by changing my vote, i'm entitled to another post. What a long fricking day 1...