This is exhibit a of why I try not to play anymore. Dog-tired for 3 hours, fighting sleep on the drive, go to bed and partly asleep with the light off and then the brain zzzrrrrps on something.
trentonlf: WTF is going on here, this is not a role madness game. Either someone is lying their ass off or we have the worst possible luck.
When you first said this I assumed it was a town slip and tried to paper it over with a diversion. But I'm no longer sure it makes much sense. And if you're town scum probably picked up on the implication anyway.
The full slate of events, detailed above but adding the two "maybe" claims from wyrm and I:
DayVig/SK (all but mod-confirmed)
compulsive town investigator (claimed not confirmed)
doctor (claimed not confirmed)
Mason (on the table, maybe/maybe not claimed)
Paranoid Barn Owner (on the table, maybe/maybe not claimed)
Not to mention whatever TF yogs is doing.
Even if you're town vanilla, or have a simple, normal role and are bluffing VT, which he may or may not be, do you look at your own PM plus Sushi's flip and rush to assume it's NOT role madness? I'd kinda assumed that was at least in play.
At most that's 2 vanilla versus 1 normal role and 4 ...less normal... roles on the table.
Even in the first game I was in (was role madness) there were 14 players, and exactly one was vanilla.
Will sleep on it, but if drealmer said somewhere that it's not role madness I really do want to see the quote. Does this strike anyone else as notable or am I chasing shadows here?
I hate this game.
vote trentonlf I just don't see where the assumption it's not role madness comes from given everything that's been put on the table if only seeing 1 PM + 1 VT flip vs. the preponderance of evidence. It seems like someone seeing multiple pieces of evidence and weighing it against those collective claims.
If there's a quote to this extent from drealmer, then by all means I'm way off base.