Traffic is shit out there - accident on the one road I need to take. Leaving a bit later than planned.
OMG I love you. Best post of the game - at least the parts I understood.
"stanari needs to snazzier"
Awesome. The fire is awesome. Could've used that 48 hours ago, but hey, it's here now!
TammyTown: But it does mean that scum can't kill Ix. Barback has to agree to protect Ix, our investigative, so that she can live and report whatever she finds.
Meh, I disagree with this. For many reasons. Even if towndoctor!babark, Ix may or may not even be town, right? Just gotta surrender to the WIFOM at this point.
And we don't take kindly to directin' investigative roles round these parts! I mean, I do it sometimes anyway, but...
trentonlf: For the moment
Vote No Lynch Nachomamma8: WARNING
I am drunk. I am here. Amen.
Well, I was just about to say Trent should vote you over no lynch since you were just 7 posts away from having your last post tick over to 4 days.
Drunk seems to be a theme. Is it Friday and no one told me?
So, uh, whaddya think? Of the game and stuff? When you're caught up.
I'm going to go ahead and
defend Nacho. He is here, people! And he's named for food. So probably also town. Prior data suggests food-named avatars are town 100% of the time.