Heh, now I've kinda chickened out. :) Though I think I'm probably far enough down this road I just have to data dump and let people see it. So here goes:
Mentions of paranoid/paranoia in reference to oneself:
Bler Brasas
61 91
142 347
276 466
418 532
553 617
626 638
97 Quad
190 Nacho
521 Stan
728 RW
1016 cristi
1022 Lift
It was somewhere around 750 where I noticed Brasas was using the same language at pretty much the exact same rate as myself, and proposing we "crazy kids" get married. Since then he hasn't repeated it. Which could be telling or coincidence. But either way, he's talked about being paranoid as much as every non-Bler player combined.
And my posts of the word don't even count my opening poem:
I that was in health and gladness
am troubled now with great sickness
enfeebled with infirmity:
The fear of death shakes me
or me pointedly quoting the lyrics of Sabbath's "Paranoid" to yogs, or later "frayed ends of sanity." Not all my quotes have been about mental illness, anxiety, and paranoia, but it has been a running theme (depression in "Mansions of Los Feliz").
Marie is not of the soundest of minds since Julie's death what with the fear and all. In the first follow-up "flavor" text to me from Drealmer, he implied I thought I was maybe turning into a werewolf even though I started as town?
Was weird (and I commented on it in thread), but apparently just flavor playing to Marie's paranoid (or Paranoid) state, and not mechanics.
I guess I don't know what Brasas was doing, but I'm Paranoid and I own a maze-like barn that no one is allowed inside because they might get lost or hurt.
Perhaps I'm a Paranoid Barn Owner, perhaps I'm just a paranoid barn owner.
Either way, I don't think pressing Wyrm to clarify if he's Mason or just mason, by the same turn is helpful. Maybe his setup parallels my own, maybe it doesn't. I still think he's town fwiw, and has his claim as ambiguous as he wants it, and either way I don't think it's a D1 problem.
So back to me, maybe this is all just flavor tease on my part.
Or maybe I borrowed flub's play as "Miller" in my game - tease the shit out of the policy lynch role you have well in advance of when you have to actually claim. It was genius on his part - leave a breadtrail just fine enough to miss on casual inspection but glaringly obvious when looking back at it.
Though unlike his role I can't just punt for another day. One of the things I've been wrestling with all day is what to do about protection roles?
I can go for super townie (which I did) to try to ward off any investigation, but am aware I would have to do something prior to nightfall. And I think I finally have honed in on how to express that in a way that's providing proper caution without guiding PR on what to do/not do.
And I believe I noted earlier in the game that I'm aware at some point my slot also comes into the policy lynch discussion.
But, imo, pretty sure D1 isn't that day and I've worked pretty hard at scum hunting to not be in that position because my role is town. If I were scum with a policy lynch PM/role (been there) I'd just keep my mouth shut and let it resolve.
...yeah, Trent is going to like any of that. ;)
I'll cede my remaining time to the gentlewoman from Colorado.