paladin181: anything we can do to help this along.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: Please don't. Rather, please help it
not happen. The less Beamdog paid mods on GOG, the better.
Though I already own all of the Infinity Engine games as well as Neverwinter Nights, I am not at all keen for the Enhanced Edition to arrive here. If the Enhanced Edition version ever did go on sale here, it would mean that people could no longer buy the original by itself, which is an exclusively negative propsect. Replacing classic games with vastly more expensive "enhanced" versions that include the originals as an extra is a slap in the face to GOG's original mission statement, and should never have been tolerated. I signed up on GOG to buy classic games for fair prices, not be extorted into paying a premium for them.
(On that note, Disney's Lion King, Aladdin, and Jungle Book should all be $6, not $10.)