Posted August 27, 2022
Serious it's a freaking clown show this day's
after 2 years even 3 years and endless BS from manufactures
this is the results
i payed 430 Euro's on a RTX 2060 Super (Launch Q3 2019)
Now RTX 3060 449 Euro's (Launch 2021 Q1) that's 2 years *innovation* or so they claim.
my gain 0%
total joke and it shows how many clowns there are in this business now
my advice never buy a new vide card again until your current one brakes down because you will gain absolute nothing from upgrading.
after 2 years even 3 years and endless BS from manufactures
this is the results
i payed 430 Euro's on a RTX 2060 Super (Launch Q3 2019)
Now RTX 3060 449 Euro's (Launch 2021 Q1) that's 2 years *innovation* or so they claim.
my gain 0%
total joke and it shows how many clowns there are in this business now
my advice never buy a new vide card again until your current one brakes down because you will gain absolute nothing from upgrading.