tinyE: It really shouldn't take that many words to say "Fuck You".
It doesn't - most of that was a lecture Just the last 3 words bring the profanity. ;)
Though if I recall, Russian does take about 40% longer on average to say. Watching movies dubbed from English into Russian can be amusing as they rush to keep up.
real.geizterfahr: What I don't get about Russian is that what you quoted doesn't look like what Starmaker wrote. There's this "3TO" at the beginning, which looks like "3mo" in the qoute. But when I copy&pate it, I get a 3TO again. And there's more like this. CTapaHOTCR became cmapahomcr, nNCaTb became nucamb and NAN turned into Ndu.
m is the lowercase version of T (Te, or 't' sound), u is the lowercase version of и (i, or soft 'ee' sound).
The lowercase version of M is more like the Greek mu. So it's just shifting upper/lowercase on you, though why I can't say.
real.geizterfahr: and NAN turned into Ndu.
Oh, and Д is a capital D, not an A. And again, the backwards и is an 'i' not an N. So phoneticized in English it's "idi" in both cases (kind of similar to
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oRwlSIn918 but with the d softened a bit)