Posted May 26, 2016
I cunt believe he did such a thing.I hope he doesn't cuntinue making a fool of himself, or his game will be banned in most cuntries.
This kind of behaviour only cuntfirms that men, especially white men, should be cuntcified - I'm sorry - by upstanding feminists all over the world.
This really is very cuntfusing. Ah, I guess he's just a cunt.
[i]"Cuntry roads, take me home
To the place I belong,
Wet Vaginia,
Mountain mamma, take me home
Cuntry roads"[/i]
This kind of behaviour only cuntfirms that men, especially white men, should be cuntcified - I'm sorry - by upstanding feminists all over the world.
This really is very cuntfusing. Ah, I guess he's just a cunt.
[i]"Cuntry roads, take me home
To the place I belong,
Wet Vaginia,
Mountain mamma, take me home
Cuntry roads"[/i]