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Shadowstalker16: ''Local man disagrees with feminist''
apehater: soon:

"local man sentenced to death because of a disagreement with feminist"
I don't like the chances of it being ''sentenced to death'', but ''sentenced to 2+ years for online muhsoggyknee'', I definitely see as probable given it almost happened.
apehater: soon:

"local man sentenced to death because of a disagreement with feminist"
Shadowstalker16: I don't like the chances of it being ''sentenced to death'', but ''sentenced to 2+ years for online muhsoggyknee'', I definitely see as probable given it almost happened.
or court puts one in a straight jacket for 2+ years for posting "insane things" and disagree with a feminist.
Post edited May 24, 2016 by apehater
high rated
RWarehall: What I find funny is how that article is making it out that only Notch is out of line. No consideration that the person talking about "mansplaining" did anything wrong at all. Another gender-biased hit piece for clicks...nothing to see here...and then they wonder why the term Feminazi became a popular term...
Double-standards. That is all.

As far as Notch's kick-back utilizing a term to illustrate the problem by example to Jennifer Scheurle, as they say in war, "Turnabout's fair play". Sometimes the only way people learn is by getting a taste of their own medicine.
high rated
Third German female feminist game designer to piss me off within two weeks. I'm seeing a trend here. Ironically women like this one are the only thing that makes me get sexist thoughts involving kitchens, sandwiches and whatnot.
Post edited May 25, 2016 by F4LL0UT
I think that 'dicksplaining' sounds a lot better than 'mansplaining' and would go well with 'cuntfusing'.
So... she womansplained him mansplaining after which he mansplained mansplaining towards she womansplained his mansplaining explanation about mansplaining after which he lost nerves and called her cunt?
All this makes me all that more proud for having bought two copies of Minecraft (as gifts), while Notch was still owning it.

Fortunately Markus is so rich nowadays that I'm sure he'll easily get over by the latest SJW attack.
low rated
apehater: ...
Hey retard, why are you still wasting oxygen?
apehater: ...
Starmaker: Hey retard, why are you still wasting oxygen?
low rated
Starmaker: Hey retard, why are you still wasting oxygen?
Breja: Classy.
Downvotes don't work, moderation doesn't work. The only possible way left to enforce some behavior standards is disapproval. I'm not happy about it either.
Breja: Classy.
Starmaker: Downvotes don't work, moderation doesn't work. The only possible way left to enforce some behavior standards is disapproval. I'm not happy about it either.
You know, I don't exactly value this thread highly, but I don't think any worthwile "behavior standards" can be enforced with such insults.
high rated
Starmaker: ...
Downvotes don't work, moderation doesn't work. The only possible way left to enforce some behavior standards is disapproval. I'm not happy about it either.
yes. thanks for the confirmation, that you downvote other users posts with alts, if they dare to bust your stupid comments with reasonable arguments. you are a disgusting, stupid troll.
I'm a cunt, you're a cunt, we're all cunts!

I cunt do it cap'n! I dun't have the powa!
Starmaker: Hey retard, why are you still wasting oxygen?
I love how you're not at all confirming the SJW stereotypes such as failing to debate and resorting to insults due to failing to debate.
ET3D: I think that 'dicksplaining' sounds a lot better than 'mansplaining' and would go well with 'cuntfusing'.
Hm. "You owe me a dicksplanation!". Yup, definitely has a nice ring to it. I approve.
Post edited May 26, 2016 by F4LL0UT