xSinghx: Speak for yourself.
I don't include myself in what you're describing
nor do most on the actual left. It is however the dominant narrative coming from cable news and those publications and pundits that make up the centrist right. You seem to be conflating what most people believe with the propaganda that's pushed on them.
And while yes some Clinton supporters are looking for scapegoats to blame their loss on instead of introspecting about their candidate, they are no where near the moral equivalent of the almost
70% of conservatives approving of Trump's handling of Neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, the muslim ban, detention camps, corporate tax cuts, staffing of the EPA and other governmental agencies with industry cronies etc etc - and this is not even touching the legacy issues of Bush like torture, domestic spying, climate change denial, and $7trillion for wars based on lies.
The right is still very much the "enemy" -
the few voters that actually believe the russiagate nonsense are simply a problem.

richlind33: I'll illustrate how bizarrely absurd your reasoning is...
Trump handling neo-nazi thugs in Charlottesville with kid gloves = BADBADBADBADBAD!!!!!!!
Obama actively supporting neo-nazis in Ukraine = problem? what problem?
See the Grand Canyon sized disconnect there?
The neocons have infiltrated the Democratic Party, but all the Democrats do is obsess over Trump tweets and whatnot. So yes, "we" are the enemy.
Just for those of you on the left, "evil racists" like Stefan Molyneux and Dr. Jordan Peterson are extending a hand out to you to talk about issues in a civilized manner and/or working together to expose the mainstream media and certain social media platforms for the very things you're complaining about. I'm open for leaving IDpol, and simply accepting the labels as only partially useful, but we kinda need people from all the IDpol camps to come out and say enough is enough with IDpol, selective censorship, etc. We need to talk and accept that arguments should stand on their own merit independent of "slippery slope," "argument from authority," and other known fallacies pretending to be logical counter-arguments, and we need to accept that by silencing someone, we don't get rid of their opinion, we only make their opinion cooler like some occult practice, thus giving it even more power, where as if you really hate someone's idea, you should give them the largest platform possible, so everyone can see how stupid their idea really is.
I'm game if you are.
xSinghx: So embarrassment it is:
Yes and apparently you are either a complete idiot or blatanly illiterate as the title was:
"TRUMP ISN'T HITLER" Yes - fascism -
NOT Nazism as
you claimed. Each post you write is even more of a joke than the last at how badly you fail to follow anything that's been written or referenced.
This flimsy point of yours has - yet again - already been debunked. It's a failure of yours in making even the most basic of distinctions.
There's parity in the policies republicans support and the actions of their candidates Trump, Bush etc - there's not with people like Obama. Obama ran and was elected as a voice of change and became a status quo neo-liberal. There wasn't even much of a record he had at the time to say he was a fraud. Hillary on the other hand along with Gore, Kerry etc all ran as status quo neo-liberals and they all lost by failing to turn out the base. So not only is your claim blatantly false it's pretentiously stupid.
If that were the problem no. It's your fault you can't articulate a thought with any semblance of competenece, or knowledge.
Again false equivalences have nothing to do with recognizing similarities between two things but their differences. Your stubbornness and inability to recognize a basic mistake in terminology is apropos to the stupidity you consistently display.
Democrats are not monolithically the same as republicans. There is a neo-liberal dominance to be sure but if it were as hegemonic as you keep insisting there would be no Sanders or Cortez right now. The democratic party is engaged in a civil war after the very failures of Obama to live up to his rhetoric.
You simply carry a black and white narrative around because as has been shown over and over again -
you fail to make the most basic distinctions. So by
your own admission the Democratic base is better conned by the leadership yet you would still try to say the Democratic base is "*not* against the disgusting abuses."
How can anyone not agree with this flaccid thinking of yours?

richlind33: Honest people understand that arguing semantics for the purpose of misrepresenting what someone is communicating is disengenuous and ignoble. You either don't understand this, or don't value your dignity enough to argue honestly.
It makes no difference at all that the title is "Trump
Isn't Hitler", because Hitler has been invoked, and the video continues on in this vein. I'm quite sure that you'd acknowledge this if the tables were turned and I posted a similar sort of video linked as "proud fascist enablers", and said "why should there be safe spaces for proud fascist enablers?" in reference to an Obama supporter. You'd be outraged.
BTW, how exactly is a person supposed to "respond in good faith" to a partisan flame?
By means of that video you implied an equivalence between Trump, and Hitler and fascism, and I correctly pointed out that it's false because it's blatantly partisan. No, that's technically not the definition of the equivalence falacy, but it *is* grammatically correct.
Obama's history in Illinois politics leaves no doubt that "Hope and Change" was exactly the sort of shite that "Make America Great Again" is. He was annointed by Daley, a man who turned a blind eye to decades of police brutality, including torture, and is as crooked as they come in the US. So no, the Democratic faithful are no less complicit than their Republican counterparts when it comes to fascism in America -- and let it be noted that willful ignorance is moral cowardice.
I'm going to be flat out honest, here, and point out there was one reason and one reason only that i voted for Trump: He's not a politician, and I'm sick of politics as they are. Sure, he's rich, so he's not a regular Joe, but he was closer than anyone else in the republican primary, let alone comparing that to the democrat primary. I met alot of democrats who switched parties just so Trump could win the primary and consequently the presidency. So far, i have more reasons to vote for him, even if he failed many of my expectations, he also did great things that I didn't expect. I hope for someone more intelligent, yet down to earth, than Trump, but expecting that of someone of a political position is like expecting to meet a single, caring man in your 30s with no baggage and is emotionally accessible, yet enough business sense that he makes a salary that's enough for you to be a stay at home mother; or, for those of us who like women, that smart college graduate woman with C-cup or better, who's equally hot in every other way, respects actual equality, is a virgin, totally won't mess around on you, and has little to no expectations of what you bring to the table. In other words, without some major shakedowns in the establishment, regular people aren't going to be running the show any time soon, so someone like Trump is the best we're gonna get, even if the CIA is leading him on a leash.