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I can mostly relate. While I can find a number of games in the sale that look interesting, and many games on my Wishlist are on sale, I keep looking at them and remembering my backlog and going 'Do I really need to buy this now?' And, since I don't, I don't buy. I'll wait until the last day and perhaps buy something then.
KneeTheCap: I'm having this rather weird feeling at the moment. I'm browsing through the sales and I, for the life of me, can't find anything that intrigues me enough. And that is a bit worrying. Can anyone relate?

How... how do make this go away?
Simple, don't buy anything. Play instead. If finished playing either buy something new or do something else like reading a book or watching a movie for a change. If everything else fails, replay old classic games.

This always works.
tburger: Perhaps it's time for retro gaming other than on PC. You could buy yourself a Playstation 1 ...or 3 (it's backwards compatibile for PS1 gaems AFAIK)....
tinyE: NES MINI CLASSIC hit's shelves in four days. :D
Looks interesting althought games are a bit too old for my standards....This year I decided to buy myself a PS3 from my workmate and I'm, finally, going to play G-Police 2 and compare Warhammers: Dark Omen and SotHR to their PC versions..
If you want to spend some money on GOG, but already have all the games you want, you can always buy some discounted good games and make a giveaway. Whoever gets the game(s) will be happy, GOG will get some revenue and you'll get to enjoy being nice to others. Everyone wins!
KneeTheCap: I'm having this rather weird feeling at the moment. I'm browsing through the sales and I, for the life of me, can't find anything that intrigues me enough. And that is a bit worrying. Can anyone relate?

How... how do make this go away?
Kind of. But probably for different reasons. I'm currently in my "I only buy either one of my top 5 most wanted should they arrive and everything else only if I really, really want to play that immediately or if its so dumb cheap that nobody would believe it (like Witcher 3 Goty for 1 $ or similar impossibilities)".

The "I'll grab it because its cheap" phase was the other sales (mostly the 40+% release sales) and contributed to a nice looking library full of unplayed games. All fine games I could imagine playing at some time; but that time still needs to come.
tinyE: NES MINI CLASSIC hit's shelves in four days. :D
tburger: Looks interesting althought games are a bit too old for my standards....This year I decided to buy myself a PS3 from my workmate and I'm, finally, going to play G-Police 2 and compare Warhammers: Dark Omen and SotHR to their PC versions..
I'm an old man. :P
I can definitely relate to OP. I'm at 21k exp from this sale, and that's only because of Xanadu next which technically isn't even part of it. I own pretty much everything interesting from existing gog catalog. Over 100 items on wishlist, but they are "looks mildly interesting, may consider buying in the future and after more research". And that future isn't now it seems.

I deal with it by exploring my considerable backlog.

Pseudo-edit: GA seems like a good idea too. I always felt I got Terraria way too cheap for the amount of fun I had with it, maybe it is time to fix it.
That's exactly the opposite of my problem: to have hundreds of favourite games. :p
Post edited November 08, 2016 by Glaucos
Sounds like your brain wants to try a new hobby. Perhaps woodworking or car repair or painting will satisfy. I like games, but the feeling of accomplishment is false. So sometimes I want to do something real, you know? Go hike a real mountain or slay a real rat.
I don't know what your backlog is like. After years of GOG and Steam sales, it's hard for me, personally, to muster up much enthusiasm for this sort of thing. "I can buy more games? Why?" Ignore the sale, play the games you've got is my advise.
huan: Pseudo-edit: GA seems like a good idea too. I always felt I got Terraria way too cheap for the amount of fun I had with it, maybe it is time to fix it.
Exactly. GAs are a good way to promote a game you like. I did this with Ultima 7 and System Shock 2 in the past, just to give others a chance to fall in love with my favourite games. Unfortunately my funds are quite low at the moment. So I won't make any GA before the Christmas money arrives. :-(
I'm finding that if I look in my WL I'm seeing things I'm not seeing while browsing. Maybe try that.

but yeh, this seems to be the sale of underwhelming titles

Another World and The Void are piqueing my potential purchase
Post edited November 08, 2016 by drealmer7
I am back to buying stuff I will probably never play. ;P
My backlog is always hungry and the way these games disappear due to licensing issues, etc, I usually find one or two games to add to the beast.
tinyE: I am back to buying stuff I will probably never play. ;P
I do want to play all games I have bought, is so short, and games are so many...