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I'm having this rather weird feeling at the moment. I'm browsing through the sales and I, for the life of me, can't find anything that intrigues me enough. And that is a bit worrying. Can anyone relate?

How... how do make this go away?
Play a free game? TomE is free....
rtcvb32: Play a free game? TomE is free....
Well, for a change, it's not about money. I came prepared and have a nice budget for this sale. It's still unused.
Well if you are like the rest of us you will have a humongous backlog on GoG, Steam, PSN, HB etc. of unfinished or unplayed games so just go and play those instead.

If not that then I recommend Baldur's Gate 1 +2 Enhanced Editions.
Gotcha. Well look for specific game types/series that really get your attention...

I love space games but aren't that good at most of them. Still there's Ring Runner, love that game. Dex is free if you have enough XP, good cyberpunk semi-shadowrun game. SPAZ is good...

ToME and it's DLC. Victor Vran is good if you enjoy that kind of game...

I could probably list off a TON of games, but i think i'll refer to my suggested games gogmix :)
How about playing something you don't usually play. For example, if you never played cyberpunk games before, try Dex or any Shadowrun games? Or if you usually not interested in platformer, Owlboy has just been released some time ago
KneeTheCap: I'm having this rather weird feeling at the moment. I'm browsing through the sales and I, for the life of me, can't find anything that intrigues me enough. And that is a bit worrying. Can anyone relate?

How... how do make this go away?
i can.........
i only got kingdom the far reaches it was very cheap and i want to see why it got all the bad reviews
but the game is not a game i would buy at listprice.

Also got The ABC Murders only because its 2.99 listprice 14.99 which was 17 or 19.99 but it seems the devs woke up and realised 19.99 is way to much even 9.99 is to much, i like broken sword better (not the 3d versions)

Tbh i feel sad this year i got like maybe 6 games compared to 20 or 30 or more in 2015 and 2014.

how to make this go away? the sadness?
well i go and buy some casual games retail (cd/dvd) or digital , hidden objects , i like these alot, i have >300 retail(cd/dvd rom)

and alot digital on gamersgate and steam together.
I need to spend some cash once a while, spend 40 to 50 euros on gamersgate and steam the last week.
One solution might be to get more old games
i have a shipload of good games on GG and steam the bad thing is most have tages securom i dont want that

my external wishlist for GOG

owned elsewhere

GG= Gamersgate

Art of Murder - Cards of Destiny (drm free) GG
Art of Murder - FBI Confidential (drm free) GG
Art of Murder - Hunt for the Puppeteer (drm free) GG
Chicago 1930 (drm free) GG
Dwarf Quest (drm free) GG
Last Half of Darkness - Society of the Serpent Moon (drm free) GG
Lost Horizon (drm) GG
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords GG
Puzzle Quest 2 (securom) GG
Reversion Double Pack - Reversion (drm free) GG
Secret Files Franchise Pack (4 games) steam
Secret Files: Tunguska (drm free) steam
Secret Files 2 Puritas Cordis (steam/tages) steam
Secret Files 3 (steam/tages) steam
Secret Files: Sam Peters (steam/tages) steam

Sinking Island (Action, Adventure, Point-and-Click GG
The Jolly Gang's Misadventures in Africa (drm free) GG
Tony Tough and the Night of the Roasted Moths (drm free) GG

and this game: not avaialble anywhere (and dozens like these are on so called oldgames sites)

Nightlong union city conspiracy [ walkthrough: ]
Post edited November 08, 2016 by gamesfreak64
kusumahendra: How about playing something you don't usually play. For example, if you never played cyberpunk games before, try Dex or any Shadowrun games? Or if you usually not interested in platformer, Owlboy has just been released some time ago
Usually I'm up for trying something new. Before this I was like "hey, that looks interesting" and then most likely bought that. Now I'm trying to find that same feeling, but can't. I'm just "Meh, pixel graphics", "meh, platforming".

I may have become old. Perhaps grumpy.
KneeTheCap: How... how do make this go away?
Bear with it and hope that the next sale will be the one. If not, then do the unthinkable and start playing games till the next sale and so on. Hey, it worked for me.
kusumahendra: How about playing something you don't usually play. For example, if you never played cyberpunk games before, try Dex or any Shadowrun games? Or if you usually not interested in platformer, Owlboy has just been released some time ago
KneeTheCap: Usually I'm up for trying something new. Before this I was like "hey, that looks interesting" and then most likely bought that. Now I'm trying to find that same feeling, but can't. I'm just "Meh, pixel graphics", "meh, platforming".

I may have become old. Perhaps grumpy.
Nope, it's the "I have too many games for my own good" syndrom. I have exactly the same feeling (minus the budget :p). Not buying anything because :
3 - my backlog is just too big
2 - my money is just too low
1 - I'm just "meh" in front on most of the games

I'm sure it'll go away in a couple of months, after clearning my head doing other things than playing a lot for a while, I think.
I'll assume that you've got a back log and now its time to stop buying and time to start playing.
Is there going to be a release today? Not a big deal, just curious.
KneeTheCap: I'm having this rather weird feeling at the moment. I'm browsing through the sales and I, for the life of me, can't find anything that intrigues me enough. And that is a bit worrying. Can anyone relate?

How... how do make this go away?
Perhaps it's time for retro gaming other than on PC. You could buy yourself a Playstation 1 ...or 3 (it's backwards compatibile for PS1 gaems AFAIK)....
Post edited November 08, 2016 by tburger
What if you never played your favourite game?
KneeTheCap: I'm having this rather weird feeling at the moment. I'm browsing through the sales and I, for the life of me, can't find anything that intrigues me enough. And that is a bit worrying. Can anyone relate?

How... how do make this go away?
tburger: Perhaps it's time for retro gaming other than on PC. You could buy yourself a Playstation 1 ...or 3 (it's backwards compatibile for PS1 gaems AFAIK)....
NES MINI CLASSIC hit's shelves in four days. :D