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high rated
It's not about Devotion specifically. It's about censorship and China enforcing its laws on the rest of the world. Basically today they censor something you don't care for, but tomorrow it will be something you do care about.
low rated
HappyPunkPotato: "GOG members act like triggered snowflakes"
"wanting to censor a word cause it triggered feelings"
"how a triggered few now get to decide"

dgnfly: The truly triggered always use the downvote button
HappyPunkPotato: You must use it a lot then since it looks like you're quite triggered by other people being triggered.
You people seem more triggered or else you wouldn't have bothered replying with such a useless comment.
But then again when you have nothing of actual substance to say you gonna be easily triggered.

Simply trying to reverse the roles isn't gonna make you look smarter. But then again if your an NPC that can't form an actual opinion your easily gonna grab useless Straw man arguments.

You people are nothing but triggered snowflakes over China cause when west censors you morons are nowhere to be found. Not to mention that most people on GOG are the type of losers that just stand by if GOG fires a guy over a simple joke because of Muhh.... feelings.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by dgnfly
Actually, it was my GOTY for 2019. OP is full of shit.
dgnfly: You people seem more triggered or else you wouldn't have bothered replying with such a useless comment.
But then again when you have nothing of actual substance to say you gonna be easily triggered.

Simply trying to reverse the roles isn't gonna make you look smarter. But then again if your an NPC that can't form an actual opinion your easily gonna grab useless Straw man arguments.
That gave me a good chuckle! Obviously the fact that you bothered to reply to my useless comment indicates that you're also triggered?
low rated
dgnfly: You people seem more triggered or else you wouldn't have bothered replying with such a useless comment.
But then again when you have nothing of actual substance to say you gonna be easily triggered.

Simply trying to reverse the roles isn't gonna make you look smarter. But then again if your an NPC that can't form an actual opinion your easily gonna grab useless Straw man arguments.
HappyPunkPotato: That gave me a good chuckle! Obviously the fact that you bothered to reply to my useless comment indicates that you're also triggered?
I can see you just a pointless NPC that now will ramble like some empty-headed NPC. you will now constantly comment like you owned somebody and pretend you triggered them while in fact all your doing is denying the fact your nothing but a pointless shill who can't make an argument against my actual points that you morons only cared because CHina is involved and could care less when it's about somebody getting fired or other games get censored.,

This truly is a comment an empty-headed person would make that can't make an actual argument. Have fun repeating yourself making you think you owned somebody. Empty head losers who couldn't even make a point or argument.

The only reason you commented was that you were triggered for being called out on the fact that people like you are a bunch of hypocrites. cause a person who was aware of all this censorship would just move on and admit that the majority like you are just NPC that only care when it suits them but praise censorship when it suits your agenda or looks away.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by dgnfly
dgnfly: I can see you just a pointless NPC that now will ramble like some empty-headed NPC.
The same could be said for you.

dgnfly: your nothing but a pointless shill
What exactly do you think I'm shilling for? I never even said what I think about this topic, just pointed out the inordinate amount of times you used the word "triggered".

To stay on topic, I couldn't care about Devotion or it disappearing off Steam because I never knew about it. I am now interested in the game (horror fan) and do care about censorship but likely not as much as some posters here.
high rated
Yeshu: Let's be serious. None of you people even heard of the game until the drama started.

NONE of you gave a damn when STEAM banned it, sucking up to China.

The Dev boasting about removing there game from GOG doesn't give a damn as they did not remove there games from STEAM that supported the removal of Devotion.

All of you just want to have the delusion of fighting the good fight without actually putting any effort into it.

Like with all the drama on the forum you will get tired with it in about two weeks and wait for the next drama.
It's not about the game, it's about the principle.
Wihle this thread is up just my feeback to the whole mess. I indeed never really cared about playing the game, but like others I care about how to make business.

So far I'm hoping for a better explanation from gog. Without any further informations I will not do any crazy stuff like delete my account or whislist, but the story is a little bit too fishy from gogs part for me, so I will pause buying anything here as long I don't get any satisfactory answers to the topic.
high rated
Maybe we goddamn care about a small developer that is getting bullied out of being able to sell a product that they put so much time and effort into and now just cannot due to this bullshit.
Yeshu: Not licking anything. Just not following mob mentality.
Oh rly? If you didn't want to follow the "mob mentality" then why the fuck are you starting a fight with one, hm?
Yeshu: NONE of you gave a damn when STEAM banned it, sucking up to China.
I guess research must be a pathological phobia of yours because PLENTY of people has heard of this game when it was out on Steam until China's cuck of a "President" got super offended over the developers taking jabs at him and then decided to silence Red Candle Games by removing the game from Steam everywhere and Red Candle's own website. I wanted to play this game from hearing about it from ThatCreepyReading on YouTube about a year and a half ago talking about Devotion (and Detention) in a top countdown video, but I discovered the game too late because he also went on to mention why it was removed from distribution thanks to Winnie the Pooh throwing a hissyfit over the unused asset in Devotion that called him out for oppressing Taiwan, which is where Red Candle Games are from by the way. Many people wanted to just play the game are frustrated because there's no legal way to obtain Devotion, and even some of the that were able to buy before it got snuffed from existence expressed sympathy for those that can't buy it anymore.
Yeshu: The Dev boasting about removing there game from GOG doesn't give a damn as they did not remove there games from STEAM that supported the removal of Devotion.
Red Candle Games didn't remove the game from GOG, they cucked Red Candle Games when they started getting Chinese bribe money to pay off damage control for Cyberpunk 2077's busted launch.
Yeshu: Like with all the drama on the forum you will get tired with it in about two weeks and wait for the next drama.
How much you want to bet on that when people are being LIED to by CD Projekt RED left and right?
Yeshu: All of you just want to have the delusion of fighting the good fight without actually putting any effort into it.
News flash, jackass: 7K people CARE about this game and that number is still raising. So take your "No one cared about this game before GOG canceled it" bullshit and shove it up your ass. Or better yet, why don't you join the CDPR Circus, because judging by your opening post, you probably belong there, clown.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by AmethystViper
Yeshu: Let's be serious. None of you people even heard of the game until the drama started.

NONE of you gave a damn when STEAM banned it, sucking up to China.

The Dev boasting about removing there game from GOG doesn't give a damn as they did not remove there games from STEAM that supported the removal of Devotion.

All of you just want to have the delusion of fighting the good fight without actually putting any effort into it.

Like with all the drama on the forum you will get tired with it in about two weeks and wait for the next drama.
paladin181: It's not about the game, it's about the principle.
exactly , i dont really care about this game at all i dont like the genre ,but i do care about censorship and cartering to ccp with its human rights violations
Lesser Blight Elemental: I'll gladly pay that next time I need to replace them, if I'm given the option.
And if you're not given an option?
high rated
Yeshu: Let's be serious. None of you people even heard of the game until the drama started.

NONE of you gave a damn when STEAM banned it, sucking up to China.

The Dev boasting about removing there game from GOG doesn't give a damn as they did not remove there games from STEAM that supported the removal of Devotion.

All of you just want to have the delusion of fighting the good fight without actually putting any effort into it.

Like with all the drama on the forum you will get tired with it in about two weeks and wait for the next drama.
How can you make this assumption as to whether or not I care about Devotion? Had I not played Detention, I may very well not have cared about this game. However, after playing through Detention, I had heard of Devotion and wanted to give it a go. As soon as I saw the news that it was going to be released, I was going to buy the game on release at GOG only to hear moments later that GOG was pulling it. Grow up seriously.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by ArtmoreRC
high rated
if you don't care about devotion, nobody will care when it's your turn
high rated
pippin15: if you don't care about devotion, nobody will care when it's your turn
I'm worried how many people don't seem to get this point.

It's not just about some horror game not being allowed on a particular platform.

It's about not wanting a future where developers and publishers will have to worry about offending China (or anyone else who thinks they are above criticism) and having that affecting which games get created, the contents of those games and
who gets to play them.