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high rated
dgnfly: couldn't even understand the basics of their useless nature of only starting to cry about it now.
Surely you should be pleased that other people are joining your cause. And if it's useless to start crying now, why don't you stop?

dgnfly: Your Woke child like protest will make zero difference
But of course you going round calling everyone names is not at all childish and will make a difference?
Djungelurban: True, I don't actually care about Devotion... However, I do care about doing the right thing and not caving to oppression and I also care a little bit about the sovereignty of Taiwan and the general safety of people in nations across eastern Asia... I do care about those things...
Do you also care for Julian Assange who was dragged out of embassy building by 5 cops as if he was a terrorist or mass murderer, not just someone who unearthed some skeletons of rich and powerful. Last time he was on video he looked really bad, as if he was tortured physically or psychologically (most likely both) for long time. Also last time i checked China doesn't have secret prisons in other countries. Nor they advocate torture literally quoting Gestapo handbook, translating word by word. And last time i checked the number of conflicts involving China is less than number of conflicts involving... France... US is a different level. They act like a huge steamroller as if borders don't exist at all.

And the thing is. While political systems of the states evolved international relations are still stuck in feudal era.

And most people... they don't really care about anything. Just following the trends. If after next elections POTUS will say that conflict with China was a mistake and will fly to hug comrade Xi all the media will be praising China like there's no tomorrow, as if mountains of shit they were throwing at that country just a few years ago never existed.
low rated
dgnfly: couldn't even understand the basics of their useless nature of only starting to cry about it now.
HappyPunkPotato: Surely you should be pleased that other people are joining your cause. And if it's useless to start crying now, why don't you stop?

dgnfly: Your Woke child like protest will make zero difference
HappyPunkPotato: But of course you going round calling everyone names is not at all childish and will make a difference?
Its not as if you folks would learn otherwise anyways or else you'd be here years ago screaming freedom of choice.

That's why this so called late ass white knighting is such a hypocritical joke, Where is all the outrage when words or social media is censoring? where is the outrage when the west tells Japan how they should run their affairs?
mirumu: I'm not sure how you aren't seeing that outrage, because I've been seeing it everywhere, but whatever.

I know perfectly well which side of the debate I strand on, but all I'm seeing here is a ton of projection and metal gymnastics. The tribalism though....there's something we can agree on.
AmethystViper: dgnfly is a contrarian bootlicking douche, plain and simple.
I'm getting the impression that there's only 1 user in particular who's taking a strong contrarian approach. There's some, albeit, circumstantial evidence that someone's going around with 3 or 4 accounts that look vastly different from one another, but i'm seeing the same bad-faith logic between them. It's well known that trolling to get people in enough uproar to get themselves banned and/or discussion censored is well known here on GOG. I wouldn't recommend chasing obvious trolling too far.
dgnfly: Where is all the outrage when words or social media is censoring?
Maybe it got censored :-D

But seriously, it's not just censoring on social media, it's the potential to manipulate the way people think and feel. With the wealth of information they have about people and how our minds work and the access to show millions of peole exactly what they want. I don't use social media because of that (things like Facebook that is, not forums like this obviously).
dgnfly: Where is all the outrage when words or social media is censoring?
HappyPunkPotato: Maybe it got censored :-D

But seriously, it's not just censoring on social media, it's the potential to manipulate the way people think and feel. With the wealth of information they have about people and how our minds work and the access to show millions of peole exactly what they want. I don't use social media because of that (things like Facebook that is, not forums like this obviously).
The kicker is, if they knew all that, they'd know how to make us happy slaves that take just about anything. It's pure hubris, really, and these same people were totally unable to prevent Trump from taking office, after Community Organizer Obama left. Don't give these clowns undue credit.
kohlrak: Don't give these clowns undue credit.
Maybe not but I certainly don't plan on trusting them either. Mind you, I rarely trust a company which is why I'm disappointed in GOG. Serves me right I guess.
I think you're assuming the internet is a public space. It's not. It's a privately owned space with privately owned sites where the owner(s) get to decide what's right and what's wrong. That's how capitalism works.
That may be correct, but through capitalism we should still have the power. Moreover, I own my own website, and this pandering still has the potential to have my property effectively removed or disabled without my consent. This is the fundamental battle, here, and with social media companies: where should your effective influence end? Should my internet provider have the power to remove my website, if the website is hosted on my computer and they only provide the cables that connect it to someone else's cables? The question, more specifically, is "Where do your rights end and mine begin?" GOG's stance here is almost universally condemn-able, because they had already made a deal (a contract, if you will), and backed out of it, declaring China's presumed rights as trumping the private business between GOG and this Taiwanese company. That's like saying that you have the right to intervene in my contract between me and my ISP, because my website says something you don't agree with.

kohlrak: Don't give these clowns undue credit.
HappyPunkPotato: Maybe not but I certainly don't plan on trusting them either. Mind you, I rarely trust a company which is why I'm disappointed in GOG. Serves me right I guess.
You shouldn't trust them. It's academentia; hubris. They thing the have capabilities and knowledge that they don't have ,based on small sample sizes. These people like to believe they've gotten enough knowledge to play God without ill effects. Time and time again, they have to be knocked down a peg, but the confirmation bias among these elites has reached to such levels, that Trump supporters are Russian bots. Then again, maybe "Russian bots" is the political equivalent to GOG's "many gamers."
high rated
To be fair, personally I don't care about the game itself, true.

But I do care about CDPR blatantly LYING and trying to blame us (many messages from "gamers").

That was tottally unacceptable and pathetic move.

My respect for CDPR is gone.
Post edited December 19, 2020 by dsx75
Yeshu: Come back in two weeks when, unless you already forget about the drama.
Counter offer. How about you come back when you find a sense of ethics or the wisdom to understand the long term consequences of your apathy. Based off of your prior conduct, I doubt that's gonna be any time soon.
low rated
Yeshu: Come back in two weeks when, unless you already forget about the drama.
Doomjedi: Counter offer. How about you come back when you find a sense of ethics or the wisdom to understand the long term consequences of your apathy. Based off of your prior conduct, I doubt that's gonna be any time soon.
It's not apathy. I just know that these kind of spontaneous outrage bursts on the Internet have no real impact and fizzle out after like a week or two. They are just for people to stroke there ego.
high rated
Doomjedi: Counter offer. How about you come back when you find a sense of ethics or the wisdom to understand the long term consequences of your apathy. Based off of your prior conduct, I doubt that's gonna be any time soon.
Yeshu: It's not apathy. I just know that these kind of spontaneous outrage bursts on the Internet have no real impact and fizzle out after like a week or two. They are just for people to stroke there ego.
No, that's the lie you tell yourself to excuse your own apathy. The fact that you keep claiming it, in spite of the fact that there is well demonstrated evidence that boycotts can and do work to make corporations change their behaviors, is an example of what psychologists call cognitive dissidence. When confronted with evidence against your own claims, rather then concede the point you only dig in further. This is an especially prevalent condition in totalitarian states, or those who've been perpetually gaslighted by those who are foolish enough to defend totalitarian states. So much of what totalitarian states claim ideologically relies on a tacit acceptance and requirement of a supposed need to ignore objective reality.

Furthermore, I'm just gonna be blunt here: The biggest difference between you and wamao at this point, is they're getting paid for ignoring reality, while you're just to willfully ignorant to see it.
Yeshu: It's not apathy. I just know that these kind of spontaneous outrage bursts on the Internet have no real impact and fizzle out after like a week or two. They are just for people to stroke there ego.
Tell that to people that remember John K. when everyone found out about his shitty work ethics, throwing innocent people like Billy West that he leeched off of under the bus to remain relevant in the cartoon industry, his sexual abuse towards younger girls, and his colossal fuck-up of a Kickstarter project that he couldn't be bothered to work on after MANY people gave him money to work on his piece of shit "cartoon", then we'll talk
Post edited December 19, 2020 by AmethystViper
high rated
Yeshu: It's not apathy. I just know that these kind of spontaneous outrage bursts on the Internet have no real impact and fizzle out after like a week or two. They are just for people to stroke there ego.
If the universal refund offers weren't enough to prove you wrong, the grunt workers at both CDPR and GOG are revolting. Your misplaced better-than-thou anti-outrage is more ego-stroking than any of our posts.