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high rated
Yeshu: Let's be serious. None of you people even heard of the game until the drama started.
NONE of you gave a damn when STEAM banned it, sucking up to China.
Only learned of it from the possibly-inaccurate outrage on the forum, don't really care for the game, and don't care at all what happens on Steam. I also understand that with the disastrous launch of Cyberpunk, CDPR is not exactly in the financial position to give the Chinese market the finger.

But what I do take issue with is if they publicly blamed the decision on 'many gamers having requested it'.

That's a lie. Don't lie.
If it's not a lie, define 'many'.
Even if the number is substantial for this context, which it's not, what makes these non-paying gamers more important than the potential paying ones?
Are you going to strip your store of every game someone objects to? You won't have a single item before long, and CDPR titles will be among the first to go.
low rated
dgnfly: Thank you captain Picard....

You are aware that most of these losers that now felt offended by being called out are only crying here because its China? they care little for actual freedoms other then the ones they cherry picked. Hence why Like the OP come back in a few weeks they'll be gone and when GOG does another game rejection they'll be nowhere to be found cause they already have their EGO stroked and have this delusion that they did something great with their pointless banter.
Nible1: No other country's politics so far has had GOG pull a game from the store.
I think that might be the reason why you don't see users on GOG forums "cry about them" lol.

And for the record, saying that others are just "stroking their own egos" while calling everyone stupid and generally acting like an attack dog makes you sound like that stereotypical narcissistic friendless nerd sitting in the back of the class.

You can argue boycotts don't work and that people are overreacting, that's fine.
Just the way you go about it makes it seem like you are just in it to ... Stroke your own ego.
Your already proving my point. You only cry because of China did something but are nowhere to be found when GOG does it because progressive reasons.

You're just triggered like so many here for being called out on your hypocritical stance of censorship. You already admitting it in your post that you only really care if China does it but ignore that fact that GOG been rejecting games for year s but then again its ok when it suits your progressive agenda.

Its not that boycotts don't work its the fact the OP also said in a few weeks you'll have forgotten all about it and end up buying Chinese products on mass again. I'm not here to stroke my own Ego moron I'm just here calling out your hypocritical ass like the OP did the problem is you don't wanna be pointed towards that fact.

Funny how all you morons are nowhere to be found when GOG in general rejects games or stops games from getting released here that's shows your hypocritical side. But i can already figure you'll spin around that fact like so many do.
Yeshu: Let's be serious. None of you people even heard of the game until the drama started.
NONE of you gave a damn when STEAM banned it, sucking up to China.
Rixasha: Only learned of it from the possibly-inaccurate outrage on the forum, don't really care for the game, and don't care at all what happens on Steam. I also understand that with the disastrous launch of Cyberpunk, CDPR is not exactly in the financial position to give the Chinese market the finger.

But what I do take issue with is if they publicly blamed the decision on 'many gamers having requested it'.

That's a lie. Don't lie.
If it's not a lie, define 'many'.
Even if the number is substantial for this context, which it's not, what makes these non-paying gamers more important than the potential paying ones?
Are you going to strip your store of every game someone objects to? You won't have a single item before long, and CDPR titles will be among the first to go.
You are aware if they just admit it, it would be pointless? cause all that would do is make the crowd cry even more and create more fake outrage. They have been rejecting games for years and refuse to give a clear anwsers other than a PR copy pasted anwser even to devs but then when you question that you get the wrath of the whole GOG community for daring to want your certain game released here?

The laughable thing is that across all platform there is progressive western censorship but people are ok with that cause it fits their agenda. Most of these people you won't come across on other sides of the argument. So now they just single out GOG because Cyberpunk was a flop and they felt cheated and want to get back at them while Cyberpunk itself was censored but you don't hear them crying about that.
Post edited December 19, 2020 by dgnfly
dgnfly: You're just triggered like so many here for being called out on your hypocritical stance of censorship. You already admitting it in your post that you only really care if China does it but ignore that fact that GOG been rejecting games for year s but then again its ok when it suits your progressive agenda.
It might be difficult to grasp, but It's actually possible to start being against something even if has been happening for years, you absolute dimwit.

dgnfly: Funny how all you morons are nowhere to be found when GOG in general rejects games or stops games from getting released here that's shows your hypocritical side.
I'm guessing your sizable bitterness comes from the fact that GOG rejected a game you cared about due to some SJW bullshit at some point?
dgnfly: I been fighting GOG's curation system for a year while being attacked by morons like you who proclaim to know what's best. I'm against all forms of censorship and don't just come crying around the corner because China does it.
Do you buy every game that gets released regardless of how crap it looks? If not, how dare you censor your game collection! If they are censoring games and pretending it's curation that's bad but if they are just not selling some games because they think they're a bit rubbish then that's fair enough.

dgnfly: They have been voting in politically the people that do the most trade with China so they actually don't care for actual change
So who do you suggest we vote or don't vote for in all of the different countries we come from?

dgnfly: Here you can get you child like gold star for pretending you did anything at all against censorship while only coming here and crying
And what exactly have you done about it?

"You bringing up this fact will just trigger them"
"now your triggered for being called out"
"You're just triggered like so many here"

Oh no, please don't start triggering people again!
low rated
dgnfly: You're just triggered like so many here for being called out on your hypocritical stance of censorship. You already admitting it in your post that you only really care if China does it but ignore that fact that GOG been rejecting games for year s but then again its ok when it suits your progressive agenda.
klogd: It might be difficult to grasp, but It's actually possible to start being against something even if has been happening for years, you absolute dimwit.

dgnfly: Funny how all you morons are nowhere to be found when GOG in general rejects games or stops games from getting released here that's shows your hypocritical side.
klogd: I'm guessing your sizable bitterness comes from the fact that GOG rejected a game you cared about due to some SJW bullshit at some point?
Hey moron i know you slow0minded i can see that by your comment but all your doing is excusing you fake outrage now after year of looking away. You want a badge for that so you can feel you now finally starting to wake-up or are you just joining the herd mentality like so many morons?

Its not really a game they rejected i like i call them out for generally refusing to release games but a moron like you would know nothing about that cause you been sticking your head in the sand for years cause i didn't see you when all those other thread where going on. This is just you hypocritical ass being offended for being called out on looking away for years like some many who are now triggered and comment cause the OP called them out on it.
dgnfly: I been fighting GOG's curation system for a year while being attacked by morons like you who proclaim to know what's best. I'm against all forms of censorship and don't just come crying around the corner because China does it.
HappyPunkPotato: Do you buy every game that gets released regardless of how crap it looks? If not, how dare you censor your game collection! If they are censoring games and pretending it's curation that's bad but if they are just not selling some games because they think they're a bit rubbish then that's fair enough.

dgnfly: They have been voting in politically the people that do the most trade with China so they actually don't care for actual change
HappyPunkPotato: So who do you suggest we vote or don't vote for in all of the different countries we come from?

dgnfly: Here you can get you child like gold star for pretending you did anything at all against censorship while only coming here and crying
HappyPunkPotato: And what exactly have you done about it?

"You bringing up this fact will just trigger them"
"now your triggered for being called out"
"You're just triggered like so many here"

Oh no, please don't start triggering people again!
I but every game no matter how crap it looks as long as its an older title i don't bother with all the newer games cause they are steeped with politics anyway. I also don't buy any game that has censorship in it i don't even bother pirating them.

Anybody who doesn't want to deal with China and the progressive parties have all been to eager to do business with China. EU itself is nothing more than a corrupt puppet that spin whichever way China wants but people still glorify those corrupt bunch you can see it by the way people vote. Just look at America they rejected the one person who would take a stance against China and chose a man that is in bed with them.

I don't any new game i stick with the older titles I neither play on console anymore and only play 1 online game for the most part which is rising storm vietnam 2. I only buy games to support devs i truly like but that have become nearly zero seeing as they all kowtowed to western progressivism by willfully censoring their games and pirate most of my anime.

Only games I'm looking forward to are those by eastern block developers that aren't censored by either China or the western progressive agenda. I've been banned from most Social media platforms cause it triggers the western snowflakes in general.

You say don't start triggering people in the first place while i actually have to do nothing to achieve that. The fact you losers are reacting already proved you are triggered. Or else you'd understand the hypocritical point and the fact truly care when it suits their agenda but will look away in general if its in their favor.

Sure don't see many rise up against all those western social media giants that are censoring left and right. or the fact that Disney is in bed with them for years while spewing progressive bullshit to please the woke crowd that constantly cries.. Didn't see you defend Japan freedom of expression while the west is trying to enforce their dogma of mass immigration or censorship of anime itself like Australia now did with banning certain fictional content.

Most games i actually wanna play you can't get in a legal way anymore because of licencing issues.
Post edited December 19, 2020 by dgnfly
Lesser Blight Elemental: I went back and read some vague nonsense about SJWs. Anita Sarkeesian isn't an oppressive government that operates slave labor camps. She can't censor shit, she can't enact laws that prohibit imagery she doesn't like, and she sure as hell can't close off a market of a billion potential customers. If you can't see the difference between a mob of green-haired twitter activists and the CCP, you're being disingenuous.
dgnfly: Nice cherry-picking seeing as this just shows that you only cared because of China but when the west goes into full censorship you look away. All I'm calling out is you morons cherry-picking and crying when China does it but cheers if the west does it cause then it's progressive. Games now in the west get altered to conform to a certain sense of progressivism but you look away but when China enacts it you cry about it. The only difference is that China is more valuable to these companies than in the west.

You most likely barely read anything hence why you now trying to gloss over the whole fact of censorship itself. Cry all you want about China while every day everything you buy is made there and supported by the west. Keep fighting the fake fight you make get that bullshit sense of you made a difference while you vote for the next government that goes arm in arms with China. Where were you crybabies when the W.H.O was still allowed to keep funds while dancing to the tune of China? most likely looked away cause it wasn't convenient at that time to complain.

Like I said in many posts you people are hypocrites when it comes to censorship. No outrage against FAcebook or Twitter when they do it but Cry when China does.
Yeah i don't cry about it just because it's china. I have the same problems with western nations market dominance of tea teetotalers like Disney that will fire people for infantile misogyny jokes and lay on the few economic transfer businesses like PayPal to basically become unlegislated & unregulated world police when it comes to for example lewd creators on patreon.
The only ones with any 'right' to authority is your own government in your own country; it is literally why we have a notion of sovereignty.
Do you know what you call someone who acts as a police officer without any legislated authority or regulation?
The technical word might be vigilanty, but the common word understanding is goon; they are corporate goons.
By complicity to eke out economic reward for siding with the CCP GOG is acting as a 'corporate goon'; assisting one nation to harass others through such things as economic sanctions and trade war.
That's not a political view or argument; it's a statement of the applicability of the situation to be covered by the term and as can be seen it is VERY applicable.
dgnfly: I don't bother with all the newer games cause they are steeped with politics anyway.
So you admit to censoring your own game collection then? Hypocracy!

dgnfly: I've been banned from most Social media platforms cause it triggers the western snowflakes in general.
Judging by your posts here I suspect you may have been banned for trying to annoy people.

dgnfly: You say don't start triggering people in the first place
It was a joke but yes, I don't think free speach covers deliberately trying to distress other people so please don't.

As for the other stuff, maybe the people posting here would be on your side against censorship. You don't know if they've been fighting it for years or have just come round to the idea and encouragement rather than insults might be better to win them over.
low rated
dgnfly: Nice cherry-picking seeing as this just shows that you only cared because of China but when the west goes into full censorship you look away. All I'm calling out is you morons cherry-picking and crying when China does it but cheers if the west does it cause then it's progressive. Games now in the west get altered to conform to a certain sense of progressivism but you look away but when China enacts it you cry about it. The only difference is that China is more valuable to these companies than in the west.

You most likely barely read anything hence why you now trying to gloss over the whole fact of censorship itself. Cry all you want about China while every day everything you buy is made there and supported by the west. Keep fighting the fake fight you make get that bullshit sense of you made a difference while you vote for the next government that goes arm in arms with China. Where were you crybabies when the W.H.O was still allowed to keep funds while dancing to the tune of China? most likely looked away cause it wasn't convenient at that time to complain.

Like I said in many posts you people are hypocrites when it comes to censorship. No outrage against FAcebook or Twitter when they do it but Cry when China does.
MaceyNeil: Yeah i don't cry about it just because it's china. I have the same problems with western nations market dominance of tea teetotalers like Disney that will fire people for infantile misogyny jokes and lay on the few economic transfer businesses like PayPal to basically become unlegislated & unregulated world police when it comes to for example lewd creators on patreon.
The only ones with any 'right' to authority is your own government in your own country; it is literally why we have a notion of sovereignty.
Do you know what you call someone who acts as a police officer without any legislated authority or regulation?
The technical word might be vigilanty, but the common word understanding is goon; they are corporate goons.
By complicity to eke out economic reward for siding with the CCP GOG is acting as a 'corporate goon'; assisting one nation to harass others through such things as economic sanctions and trade war.
That's not a political view or argument; it's a statement of the applicability of the situation to be covered by the term and as can be seen it is VERY applicable.
Are you aware that even the EU acts like that nowadays? There is barely any sovereignty in general when it comes to Europe and it was voted in by ignorant people. The majority of people only care when it already progressed beyond breaking point. Australia itself has been bending over because of China and is now in a trade war with them after years of letting China influence.

You seem to in general like so many love to overlook western censorship. You explain that away as being normal because you live in the country that enacts censorship willing and are willing to accept that as Drones.
MaceyNeil: tea teetotalers
What's wrong with not drinking??
high rated
dgnfly: Hey moron i know you slow0minded i can see that by your comment but all your doing is excusing you fake outrage now after year of looking away.
dgnfly: You want a badge for that so you can feel you now finally starting to wake-up or are you just joining the herd mentality like so many morons?
dgnfly: a moron like you would know nothing about that cause you been sticking your head in the sand for years cause i didn't see you when all those other thread where going on.
dgnfly: I also don't buy any game that has censorship in it i don't even bother pirating them.
dgnfly: Just look at America they rejected the one person who would take a stance against China and chose a man that is in bed with them.
dgnfly: Only games I'm looking forward to are those by eastern block developers that aren't censored by either China or the western progressive agenda. I've been banned from most Social media platforms cause it triggers the western snowflakes in general.
dgnfly: Most games i actually wanna play you can't get in a legal way anymore because of licencing issues.
Right, I finally see what your problem is.

You're the only one who's allowed to wear the outrage badge, you sad retarded neckbeard.

Complaining about everyone sticking their heads in the sand for years while you have been fighting for freedom all alone, and now you're being a little bitch about it because suddenly you are no longer special. Despite only looking forward to eastern block games banned from social medial, and you can't get your games legally because of your fucking exquisite taste. Kudos for not even DOWNLOADING the games with censorship, you really are the fucking hero that free speech and outrage needs.

You are a fucking joke and were it not devoid of wit I might have mistaken your moronic ramblings for satire. Have fun sitting there crying over the fact that nobody finds you edgy or special any more.
low rated
dgnfly: I don't bother with all the newer games cause they are steeped with politics anyway.
HappyPunkPotato: So you admit to censoring your own game collection then? Hypocracy!

dgnfly: I've been banned from most Social media platforms cause it triggers the western snowflakes in general.
HappyPunkPotato: Judging by your posts here I suspect you may have been banned for trying to annoy people.

dgnfly: You say don't start triggering people in the first place
HappyPunkPotato: It was a joke but yes, I don't think free speach covers deliberately trying to distress other people so please don't.

As for the other stuff, maybe the people posting here would be on your side against censorship. You don't know if they've been fighting it for years or have just come round to the idea and encouragement rather than insults might be better to win them over.
You really are retarded aren't you? it ain't censorship if you are still able to buy it, get a brain I'm also for crappy games to be released so that people get a choice. I already was aware your slow minded but you just showed how slow.
I buy games i like but i won't stop people from getting the games they want and would support their released but for years the GOG community been praising GOG;s rejection of games left and right.

Nope i been banned for calling out GOG curation decisions. Even to a point when i called out GOG staff on their moderation decisions for simply locking threads discussing it. hence why i was banned from CDPR a few days ago for question why they locked Threads discussing censored nudity in cyberpunk.

I'm for full on uncensored content and have been vocal about it for years that's why i been banned from every social media platform. These days the west is no different than China but like i said its ok when the west does it for so called progressive reasons.

I don't care much if they are on my side cause most people with a brain wouldn't be triggered with such comment and would understand the meaning. You can already see how uselessly triggered people got when the OP called them out on it with this thread.
dgnfly: Most games i actually wanna play you can't get in a legal way anymore because of licencing issues.
klogd: Right, I finally see what your problem is.

You're the only one who's allowed to wear the outrage badge, you sad retarded neckbeard.

Complaining about everyone sticking their heads in the sand for years while you have been fighting for freedom all alone, and now you're being a little bitch about it because suddenly you are no longer special. Despite only looking forward to eastern block games banned from social medial, and you can't get your games legally because of your fucking exquisite taste. Kudos for not even DOWNLOADING the games with censorship, you really are the fucking hero that free speech and outrage needs.

You are a fucking joke and were it not devoid of wit I might have mistaken your moronic ramblings for satire. Have fun sitting there crying over the fact that nobody finds you edgy or special any more.
No i just called out your hypocritical badge like so many here. Hey moron if i wanted to be special I'd act like you so I can get my ego stroked for coming out of hiding once to say i oppose censorship. Morons like you don't like to be called out for that. After a few weeks you'll crawl yourself back under the floorboards and pretend nothing ever happened.

Also moron, he asked me a question and I awnsered i couldn't give an ass what you'd think is or isn't good about what i do. Nice trying to reverse the roles I'm not the one crying for being called out for only caring when the Chinese do it iI in general am against every form of censorship for years. all your doing now is trying to defend your slow assed response after years of looking away.
Post edited December 19, 2020 by dgnfly
high rated
dgnfly: You really are retarded aren't you?
I already was aware your slow minded but you just showed how slow.
You seem to be unaware of the fact that just because you keep saying things doesn't make them true. I think klogd may be right, you want your special anti-censorship points and this thread is making you feel less special. I do get that you are very passionate about your stance though and it must be incredibly frustrating when people seem to only pretend to care.
MaceyNeil: tea teetotalers
HappyPunkPotato: What's wrong with not drinking??
Hey I like my tea as much as the next guy (in fact green tea cake is intruiging); i'm just saying i wouldn't be surprised if my own government some day bans it for having 'tanins'. :P

To my other quoter I don't follow the ongoing complex EU inter country saga because i don't have enough hours in a day or care in my emotional bank to waste in general.
I don't think it is anything unexpected for a human being only to really start caring about things till it effects them (eg. superman being interested in disability charities after he himself became wheelchair bound).
It's not the ideal way things should be, but try screaming at a rock for being a rock and not sentient. :P
Yes Australia is in a similar position as american companies; wanting sweet CCP monies and not to be seen as feckless immoral sociopaths.
It's funny because i remember watching a short film one time that tried to work out what a corporate entity is in terms of being a 'person'; and the conclusion was that corporations are best described as psychopaths.
low rated
dgnfly: You really are retarded aren't you?
I already was aware your slow minded but you just showed how slow.
HappyPunkPotato: You seem to be unaware of the fact that just because you keep saying things doesn't make them true. I think klogd may be right, you want your special anti-censorship points and this thread is making you feel less special. I do get that you are very passionate about your stance though and it must be incredibly frustrating when people seem to only pretend to care.
IT is when i have to keep repeating myself to ever stupid user who get triggered cause they were called out by the OP thread in general and couldn't even understand the basics of their useless nature of only starting to cry about it now.

You just want him to be right cause you want that special title your self all you progressive morons that been praising western censorship for years but when China does it gets a hissy fit. Like the OP said after a few weeks it'll all be over and you'd be bending over like GOG did for China. cause i sure don't see the protest to bring back jobs from there.

Your Woke child like protest will make zero difference especially seeing as GOG itself has an Progressive curation system. You'll all just consume the same shit and vote for the same people that will do the same shaddy deals with china and will curb even more freedoms in the long run with a progressive coat around it.
high rated
OP is right, I don't care much about the specific game. I care about how they got censored and I used to care about GoG, was as naive to think it was a company with ideals (DRM free, by gamers for gamers, blablabla) but instead it always was just another greedy capitalist company that don't hesitates to lie to the customers and now to bow before a oppressive communist regime, that murders tens of thousands every year, for some money and censored a game about a "joke", that's not even in the game anymore. I thought as Polish company, they value things like freedom of speech and freedom of art, but sry, my mistake, I was naive and wrong here, they only care about money, money and money ...

Well, I wait some more days and if nothing comes, that clears this "mistake", I'll never spent a single cent on this store.