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low rated
dgnfly: Where were you crybabies when the W.H.O was still allowed to keep funds while dancing to the tune of China?
Like I said in many posts you people are hypocrites when it comes to censorship. No outrage against FAcebook or Twitter when they do it but Cry when China does.
hera35: This webpage is, the platform that sells games. This is an issue about a gaming related service refusing to sell games based on political pressuring.

What does Facebook, Twitter or WHO has to do with this? Nothing, apart from the fact that you would like to deflect blame from GOG by bringing up an unrelated issue a la "if you all didn't participate in every single anti-censorship cause, then you obviously only care about China-related censorship issues and therefore that absolves GOG", which is completely disingenuous. Just like OP's post with his conspiracy theories about this being some sort of a coordinated attack by bringing up Steam out of nowhere.

I think you know deep down that many people disliking this censorship aren't okay with other form censorship either, but sadly that would go straight against the narrative you're trying to fabricate. And you keep clinging on to that pathetic narrative because deep down you know you can't actually excuse GOG's actions. I for one am also against the Western progressive censorship as well, but hell, you'll probably tell me I'm lying about my convictions.

But please brave keyboard warrior, do keep on defending a multi-million dollar company that keeps trampling on your gaming choices. We have a word for your kind: a bootlicker.
Whether it be China or any other Corp that censors its bad but you hypocrites only cry now because of China when anything else gets censored because of the west political correctness you cheer it on. All you do now is trying to Isolate the problem to you Cherry-picked so-called social justice to fight while in general looking away when the west starts censoring.

That's the fact you guys are commenting back in the first place cause all I'm doing is calling you out for what you really are a bunch of hypocrites that would praise the west for censoring as long as it's done in the name of progressivism.

Also, I'm not excusing their action you moron I'm just calling out your hypocritical ass for only caring when China does it!!
When games get cut into pieces are refused an uncensored release you people are nowhere to be seen but when China now suddenly pulls this you come crawling forward like cockroaches. Where were you when GOG fired a person over a joke? most likely didn't care because the joke wasn't progressive enough? or all the other times they refused to release games on their store because it didn't meet their so-called standard?

You really are a moron, aren't you? I've been banned in the past multiple times by GOG for calling them out on their Bias Curation system and refusal to release certain games. I kept pressing them on constant refusal to release certain games. You're the moronic keyboard warrior that now comes crawling out of hiding because CHina suddenly is involved.

I didn't see many people crying that China was debt trapping African nations? It actually got them a lot of praise from keyboard warriors like you. Or the fact China is overfishing Africa or all the other times China does something.

I can already see you utterly clueless about what I stand for since I been fighting GOG's curation system for a year while being attacked by morons like you who proclaim to know what's best. I'm against all forms of censorship and don't just come crying around the corner because China does it.
low rated
dgnfly: It doesn't matter if it's just pulled from the store it is censorship itself. I can see you only care for this game because of your own fake sense of justice against censorship. Read everything I wrote instead of asking the same shit to get an answer I already gave. Tired of having to repeat myself because people are too lazy to read what came before this comment.
Lesser Blight Elemental: I went back and read some vague nonsense about SJWs. Anita Sarkeesian isn't an oppressive government that operates slave labor camps. She can't censor shit, she can't enact laws that prohibit imagery she doesn't like, and she sure as hell can't close off a market of a billion potential customers. If you can't see the difference between a mob of green-haired twitter activists and the CCP, you're being disingenuous.
are you sure? she can just walk into some studios and change female characters to ugly ones ,that happened
so dont tell me she cant change things
i dont really care if a foreign country denies me what I can watch read or buy or a local activist
so what is the differenece? when what matters is the result and both results are bad for us free thinkers
low rated
klogd: This brings up a fair point. I've collected all my game installers and as such am ready to contact support to deactivate my account. I obviously don't WANT that, what I want is for GOG to do what they said they would do and release Devotion.

How long should I wait for them to break their embarrassing silence? 48 hours? a week?
I don't want to delete my account, and then the next day GOG grows a backbone which would make me want to support them, but I'd be too pissed about having my account and games deleted to actually register again
Orkhepaj: i dont get what you think you can achieve with that
they disable your acc and then what? do you think they will change their behaviour? or just write you down as a loss due to company policy update to current times?
This is their delusional idea of having made a change while if they wanted to make an actual change they'd watch who they'll be voting for in elections. But when for years these people been voting for the same parties that are in bed with China it showed they cared little until cyberpunk 2077 got released.

They want this to be so-called different because western censorship they are ok with cause it's all progressivism.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by dgnfly
low rated
Orkhepaj: i dont get what you think you can achieve with that
they disable your acc and then what? do you think they will change their behaviour? or just write you down as a loss due to company policy update to current times?
dgnfly: This is their delusional idea of having made a change while if they wanted to make an actual change they'd watch who they'll be voting for in elections. But when for years these people been voting for the same parties that are in bed with China it showed they cared little until cyberpunk 2077 got released.

They want this to be so-called different because western censorship they are ok with cause it's all progressivism.
I mean, people where deleting there Battle.Net accounts when the whole Hong Kong thing happened at Blizzard.

Then after two weeks people where asking for them back when they announced Overwatch 2.
high rated
dgnfly: Funny ain't it that these people now suddenly come out of the woodwork after years of ignoring censorship when it was convenient for them.
Can't speak for everyone else, but I sure don't ignore censorship. What's your evidence for making that sweeping generalisation?

dgnfly: Most of this Outrage is because of Cbyberpunk2077 if the game didn't flop there would be nobody protesting this shit but there would be a lot of bootlicking.
I own Cyberpunk...been running well on my PC too ironically. If the release had been smooth, GOG sold a tong of copies, and this Devotion thing had never happened, I'd have been perfectly happy.

dgnfly: All the time anime titles were censored they looked away or cheered it on.
You may notice I have an anime avatar. I loathe censorship of anime. I specifically avoid buying Funimation Blu-rays because of their censorship, and their voice actors who appear to hate their own customers. At this point I'm doing my best to help fund the Japanese anime industry instead to help give them the clout to stand up to for their values.

dgnfly: But like dumb Social justice warriors, they cherry-pick what they so-called wanna stand for.
Social justice warriors want to cancel, change and censor things. I want the complete opposite personally and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone. I think you're completely barking up the wrong tree thinking those are the people who are complaining here.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by mirumu
low rated
dgnfly: This is their delusional idea of having made a change while if they wanted to make an actual change they'd watch who they'll be voting for in elections. But when for years these people been voting for the same parties that are in bed with China it showed they cared little until cyberpunk 2077 got released.

They want this to be so-called different because western censorship they are ok with cause it's all progressivism.
Yeshu: I mean, people where deleting there Battle.Net accounts when the whole Hong Kong thing happened at Blizzard.

Then after two weeks people where asking for them back when they announced Overwatch 2.
ah , that clearly worked out , is that hongkonger still banned?
low rated
dgnfly: This is their delusional idea of having made a change while if they wanted to make an actual change they'd watch who they'll be voting for in elections. But when for years these people been voting for the same parties that are in bed with China it showed they cared little until cyberpunk 2077 got released.

They want this to be so-called different because western censorship they are ok with cause it's all progressivism.
Yeshu: I mean, people where deleting there Battle.Net accounts when the whole Hong Kong thing happened at Blizzard.

Then after two weeks people where asking for them back when they announced Overwatch 2.
I know what you mean. People love to talk glorious bullshit 24/7 but they never stand behind their actual words they just love selling bullshit so they can pretend they actually did something. When a group of people here even complained about the refusal of certain games the whole community here acted like spoiled babies only wanting games they enjoy and being ok when GOG rejected games but now they suddenly turn into free speech advocates.

GOG is just waiting this out and they know full well how much of an NPC drone are these people actually are. They have been voting in politically the people that do the most trade with China so they actually don't care for actual change they just wanna pat themselves on the back and pretend they did something great.

With the freedom of expression of speech, it's either all or nothing but these people love to cherrypick what is censored themselves like the Chinese government.

You bringing up this fact will just trigger them but they don't even understand the true meaning behind this thread and will jsut spew one liners bulslhit.
I'm assuming you have actual real life problems with reading comprehension because you clearly didn't read a word I said. My sincere condolences in that case. Or perhaps you wanted to prove me right by instantly assuming my convictions, like you've been doing to everyone here so far?

You said I only have a beef with China. Please provide a citation for that.
You said that I support politically correct censorship. I don't remember mentioning anything of that sort, could you provide an example?
You said "people like me" cheered when China debt-trapped African nations, and that my kind would permit overfishing. Could you point out when I did that?
EDIT: You also mention in other posts that people here vote for pro-China politicians. Interesting assumption here as well.

But we both know you're unable to accept any of those responsibilities. because it would immediately shatter the strawman you find yourself fighting against.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by hera35
Yeshu: Let's be serious. None of you people even heard of the game until the drama started.

NONE of you gave a damn when STEAM banned it, sucking up to China.

The Dev boasting about removing there game from GOG doesn't give a damn as they did not remove there games from STEAM that supported the removal of Devotion.

All of you just want to have the delusion of fighting the good fight without actually putting any effort into it.

Like with all the drama on the forum you will get tired with it in about two weeks and wait for the next drama.
And? I care about censorship and caving to political correctness or dictators. Plus the game seems really interesting I'll so I'm going to buy it for both reasons as soon as I can.
high rated
Yeshu: I mean, people where deleting there Battle.Net accounts when the whole Hong Kong thing happened at Blizzard.

Then after two weeks people where asking for them back when they announced Overwatch 2.
I got rid of my Battle.Net account at the time. Haven't bought a thing from them since, and never will.
dgnfly: Funny ain't it that these people now suddenly come out of the woodwork after years of ignoring censorship when it was convenient for them.
mirumu: Can't speak for everyone else, but I sure don't ignore censorship. What's your evidence for making that sweeping generalisation?

dgnfly: Most of this Outrage is because of Cbyberpunk2077 if the game didn't flop there would be nobody protesting this shit but there would be a lot of bootlicking.
mirumu: I own Cyberpunk...been running well on my PC too ironically. If the release had been smooth, GOG sold a tong of copies, and this Devotion thing had never happened, I'd have been perfectly happy.

dgnfly: All the time anime titles were censored they looked away or cheered it on.
mirumu: You may notice I have an anime avatar. I loathe censorship of anime. I specifically avoid buying Funimation Blu-rays because of their censorship, and their voice actors who appear to hate their own customers. At this point I'm doing my best to help fund the Japanese anime industry instead to help give them the clout to stand up to for their values.

dgnfly: But like dumb Social justice warriors, they cherry-pick what they so-called wanna stand for.
mirumu: Social justice warriors want to cancel, change and censor things. I want the complete opposite personally and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone. I think you're completely barking up the wrong tree thinking those are the people who are complaining here.
nice to see you here then, yeah generalization is just that, there are many who are not fall into that category , imho dont take it personally when you know it is clearly not about you

so is it true that censorship is started to infect animes too like western comics? thats bad :=
low rated
dgnfly: Funny ain't it that these people now suddenly come out of the woodwork after years of ignoring censorship when it was convenient for them.
mirumu: Can't speak for everyone else, but I sure don't ignore censorship. What's your evidence for making that sweeping generalisation?

dgnfly: Most of this Outrage is because of Cbyberpunk2077 if the game didn't flop there would be nobody protesting this shit but there would be a lot of bootlicking.
mirumu: I own Cyberpunk...been running well on my PC too ironically. If the release had been smooth, GOG sold a tong of copies, and this Devotion thing had never happened, I'd have been perfectly happy.

dgnfly: All the time anime titles were censored they looked away or cheered it on.
mirumu: You may notice I have an anime avatar. I loathe censorship of anime. I specifically avoid buying Funimation Blu-rays because of their censorship, and their voice actors who appear to hate their own customers. At this point I'm doing my best to help fund the Japanese anime industry instead to help give them the clout to stand up to for their values.

dgnfly: But like dumb Social justice warriors, they cherry-pick what they so-called wanna stand for.
mirumu: Social justice warriors want to cancel, change and censor things. I want the complete opposite personally and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone. I think you're completely barking up the wrong tree thinking those are the people who are complaining here.
If you had a brain you'd know it doesn't apply to everybody most people generalize cause the majority of people do look away. I'm not gonna be specific because your sense of political correctness wants it or you get offended it seems pretty easy.

Why are you actually telling me all of this? seeing as my point is to call out the hypocrisy that people have looked away for years and excused censorship because it wasn't something they cared about. The west has become nothing more than China when it comes to freedom of speech or expression.
hera35: I'm assuming you have actual real life problems with reading comprehension because you clearly didn't read a word I said. My sincere condolences in that case. Or perhaps you wanted to prove me right by instantly assuming my convictions, like you've been doing to everyone here so far?

You said I only have a beef with China. Please provide a citation for that.
You said that I support politically correct censorship. I don't remember mentioning anything of that sort, could you provide an example?
You said "people like me" cheered when China debt-trapped African nations, and that my kind would permit overfishing. Could you point out when I did that?
EDIT: You also mention in other posts that people here vote for pro-China politicians. Interesting assumption here as well.

But we both know you're unable to accept any of those responsibilities. because it would immediately shatter the strawman you find yourself fighting against.
Funny that you crying about those things now seeing as you could care less of what I read in general about censorship and you just repeated the same shit most already did. IF you actually cared you wouldn't be crying to me in the first place.

All your gonna do now is claim my assumption are wrong but the fact you wanted to make assumptions about me your cared little with your bullshit. Het is a gunny thing where were you when GOG rejected games for years? nowhere that's where!!! stopped playing like you suddenly stand for the world's injustices because somebody called you out on your hypocritical comment. Moron, you know nothing about me but wanna lecture me about something been fighting and vocal about for years. And like the thread creator said you bunch don't give an F you just pretend to.

"You also mention in other posts that people here vote for pro-China politicians" moron they just voted in the biggest china loving president in America. In the EU most countries are left-leaning and are in bed with people they claim to hate. Even Italy the country hit hardest by corona still does business with China.

All you do now is wanting to negate my point because you feel called out like so many in this thread crying social justice all of a sudden.

Keep fighting the fake fight fantasy boy...
Post edited December 18, 2020 by dgnfly
high rated
dgnfly: If you had a brain you'd know it doesn't apply to everybody most people generalize cause the majority of people do look away. I'm not gonna be specific because your sense of political correctness wants it or you get offended it seems pretty easy.
My "sense of political correctness" is that it is a harmful cancer, but so are generalizations typically.

dgnfly: Why are you actually telling me all of this? seeing as my point is to call out the hypocrisy that people have looked away for years and excused censorship because it wasn't something they cared about. The west has become nothing more than China when it comes to freedom of speech or expression.
I don't think the west is that far gone yet personally, but it does feel that way at times. There has been hypocrisy for sure, but if you want to find those people it seems counter-intuitive to go looking amongst those are are actually complaining about something.
low rated
mirumu: Can't speak for everyone else, but I sure don't ignore censorship. What's your evidence for making that sweeping generalisation?

I own Cyberpunk...been running well on my PC too ironically. If the release had been smooth, GOG sold a tong of copies, and this Devotion thing had never happened, I'd have been perfectly happy.

You may notice I have an anime avatar. I loathe censorship of anime. I specifically avoid buying Funimation Blu-rays because of their censorship, and their voice actors who appear to hate their own customers. At this point I'm doing my best to help fund the Japanese anime industry instead to help give them the clout to stand up to for their values.

Social justice warriors want to cancel, change and censor things. I want the complete opposite personally and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone. I think you're completely barking up the wrong tree thinking those are the people who are complaining here.
Orkhepaj: nice to see you here then, yeah generalization is just that, there are many who are not fall into that category , imho dont take it personally when you know it is clearly not about you

so is it true that censorship is started to infect animes too like western comics? thats bad :=
You telling me you aren't aware of the mass censorship in Anime?

Nintendo makes a special policy so that Anime related games get censored during production because of SJW fake outrage. The same goes for sony hence why I stopped console gaming.
Nintendo eventually stopped with third-party games while sony now Dictates everything even third-party games.
Sony censorship.
Even PC is getting worse these days.

But nobody cared then but people always tend to only care when it suits their agenda. The whole west is enforcing their agenda on Japan but that's ok but when China does it they go cry about it because it's not progressive.
high rated
Yeshu: I mean, people where deleting there Battle.Net accounts when the whole Hong Kong thing happened at Blizzard.

Then after two weeks people where asking for them back when they announced Overwatch 2.
As someone who used to play the original Overwatch up after someone gifted me the game on PC, I dropped the game after Blizzard started showing their true colors, I uninstalled the game, never touched my Battle-net account, and actively told them to go fuck themselves just as I am telling a retarded like you to fuck off for assuming that people don't care about Devotion or the fact that CDPR lied to their customers and enabling dictatorship from Winnie the Pooh.