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BluesyMoo: Well said. It will not end here.
Yeshu: So are you gonna do anything about it or continue your crusade as a brave keyboard warrior?
This brings up a fair point. I've collected all my game installers and as such am ready to contact support to deactivate my account. I obviously don't WANT that, what I want is for GOG to do what they said they would do and release Devotion.

How long should I wait for them to break their embarrassing silence? 48 hours? a week?
I don't want to delete my account, and then the next day GOG grows a backbone which would make me want to support them, but I'd be too pissed about having my account and games deleted to actually register again
low rated
dgnfly: Funny ain't it that these people now suddenly come out of the woodwork after years of ignoring censorship when it was convenient for them.
Lesser Blight Elemental: I can't speak for anyone else, but which game has been pulled from GOG because of pressure from a foreign government?
It doesn't matter if it's just pulled from the store it is censorship itself. I can see you only care for this game because of your own fake sense of justice against censorship. Read everything I wrote instead of asking the same shit to get an answer I already gave. Tired of having to repeat myself because people are too lazy to read what came before this comment.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by dgnfly
high rated
Yeshu: So are you gonna do anything about it or continue your crusade as a brave keyboard warrior?
If complaining about some situation is belittled as being a "brave keyboard warrior", then you're one too thanks to this thread..
At least they offered correct arguments, instead of the bulls**t you wrote in your op.
LordJF: No, I do care. I bought Detention, the first Red Candle Game, from Steam back in 2017 and absolutely loved it. It had one of the best stories I've ever experienced in a video game and, even though it was a short game that I finished in one evening, I kept thinking about the game and its story for a full week after.
I got it on Steam while it was available. It was an extremely well-polished horror game. They did their homework on the period-correct aesthetics, and the eastern culture oozes out of every corner. We've seen many incarnations of the western hell in various media, but I had never seen the eastern hell / purgatory depicted so well until Devotion.

It *is* pretty short, but completing it in one day does make for an engrossing experience.
Yeshu: So are you gonna do anything about it or continue your crusade as a brave keyboard warrior?
klogd: This brings up a fair point. I've collected all my game installers and as such am ready to contact support to deactivate my account. I obviously don't WANT that, what I want is for GOG to do what they said they would do and release Devotion.

How long should I wait for them to break their embarrassing silence? 48 hours? a week?
I don't want to delete my account, and then the next day GOG grows a backbone which would make me want to support them, but I'd be too pissed about having my account and games deleted to actually register again
I recommend waiting for a week or two, to see if there are any further developments, before you completely burn bridges. If you're pissed, don't buy anything else for now, but I would at least give them a chance to put it right, before doing something you might regret.
high rated
Yeshu: So are you gonna do anything about it or continue your crusade as a brave keyboard warrior?
klogd: This brings up a fair point. I've collected all my game installers and as such am ready to contact support to deactivate my account. I obviously don't WANT that, what I want is for GOG to do what they said they would do and release Devotion.

How long should I wait for them to break their embarrassing silence? 48 hours? a week?
I don't want to delete my account, and then the next day GOG grows a backbone which would make me want to support them, but I'd be too pissed about having my account and games deleted to actually register again
Don't delete it. Give them a chance to salvage the situation, but just don't spend any more money here until they do. Every few months, send them a support ticket saying "oh, you still haven't released Devotion and there are still single-player games with DRM on your store? Well, I won't buy anything until you fix at least one of these." That's what I'm going to do. I simply see no reason to spend money here if they don't actually care about DRM-free gaming or censorship, or at least convincingly pretend to care.
high rated
I said the same thing in another topic.

But let's be realistic here. It's not about the game. It's about bending to a country that fuck it's citizens every single day and don't give a crap about human rights.
high rated
klogd: How long should I wait for them to break their embarrassing silence? 48 hours? a week?
I don't want to delete my account, and then the next day GOG grows a backbone which would make me want to support them, but I'd be too pissed about having my account and games deleted to actually register again
You don't need to delete your account then. Just restrain from giving them any more money until they decide to back the indie devs they royally f*****. If that period of time is never, then it's never.
high rated
Yeshu: So are you gonna do anything about it or continue your crusade as a brave keyboard warrior?
klogd: This brings up a fair point. I've collected all my game installers and as such am ready to contact support to deactivate my account. I obviously don't WANT that, what I want is for GOG to do what they said they would do and release Devotion.

How long should I wait for them to break their embarrassing silence? 48 hours? a week?
I don't want to delete my account, and then the next day GOG grows a backbone which would make me want to support them, but I'd be too pissed about having my account and games deleted to actually register again
I would not deactivate your account, mainly for the reason that you don't really punish gog by doing it but more yourself. They already got your money. Also you paid for the service, meaning updates. So just don't throw something away you already paid for, just don't buy anything and don't show support. Maybe write a letter to them.

Personally I would (and depending how this will go on will) just clear the wishlist, logout from all devices and don't visit the site anymore. I'm pretty sure gog tracks that, because as far as I remember they send emails with deals to people to check the site again.
Yeshu: Let's be serious. None of you people even heard of the game until the drama started.
None of us? Really? I had Devotion wishlisted on Steam after playing Detention and loving it. Couldn't afford to pick it up on release and by the time I could, it had already been removed.
klogd: How long should I wait for them to break their embarrassing silence? 48 hours? a week?
I don't want to delete my account, and then the next day GOG grows a backbone which would make me want to support them, but I'd be too pissed about having my account and games deleted to actually register again
Zorzy: You don't need to delete your account then. Just restrain from giving them any more money until they decide to back the indie devs they royally f*****. If that period of time is never, then it's never.
Yeah, and it's not like you don't have some backlog to play for a while. I know I do. I plan to dive into some of the real good old games that I never got around to play. Save that money, buy some stocks now that the vaccine is out, buy girlfriend some stuff, buy some girlfriends, buy some stuffed girlfriends. Whatever really. Not buying games from a website is quite an enjoyable activity sometimes.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by BluesyMoo
high rated
Lesser Blight Elemental: I can't speak for anyone else, but which game has been pulled from GOG because of pressure from a foreign government?
dgnfly: It doesn't matter if it's just pulled from the store it is censorship itself. I can see you only care for this game because of your own fake sense of justice against censorship. Read everything I wrote instead of asking the same shit to get an answer I already gave. Tired of having to repeat myself because people are too lazy to read what came before this comment.
I went back and read some vague nonsense about SJWs. Anita Sarkeesian isn't an oppressive government that operates slave labor camps. She can't censor shit, she can't enact laws that prohibit imagery she doesn't like, and she sure as hell can't close off a market of a billion potential customers. If you can't see the difference between a mob of green-haired twitter activists and the CCP, you're being disingenuous.
low rated
dgnfly: It doesn't matter if it's just pulled from the store it is censorship itself. I can see you only care for this game because of your own fake sense of justice against censorship. Read everything I wrote instead of asking the same shit to get an answer I already gave. Tired of having to repeat myself because people are too lazy to read what came before this comment.
Lesser Blight Elemental: I went back and read some vague nonsense about SJWs. Anita Sarkeesian isn't an oppressive government that operates slave labor camps. She can't censor shit, she can't enact laws that prohibit imagery she doesn't like, and she sure as hell can't close off a market of a billion potential customers. If you can't see the difference between a mob of green-haired twitter activists and the CCP, you're being disingenuous.
Nice cherry-picking seeing as this just shows that you only cared because of China but when the west goes into full censorship you look away. All I'm calling out is you morons cherry-picking and crying when China does it but cheers if the west does it cause then it's progressive. Games now in the west get altered to conform to a certain sense of progressivism but you look away but when China enacts it you cry about it. The only difference is that China is more valuable to these companies than in the west.

You most likely barely read anything hence why you now trying to gloss over the whole fact of censorship itself. Cry all you want about China while every day everything you buy is made there and supported by the west. Keep fighting the fake fight you make get that bullshit sense of you made a difference while you vote for the next government that goes arm in arms with China. Where were you crybabies when the W.H.O was still allowed to keep funds while dancing to the tune of China? most likely looked away cause it wasn't convenient at that time to complain.

Like I said in many posts you people are hypocrites when it comes to censorship. No outrage against FAcebook or Twitter when they do it but Cry when China does.
high rated
dgnfly: Where were you crybabies when the W.H.O was still allowed to keep funds while dancing to the tune of China?
Like I said in many posts you people are hypocrites when it comes to censorship. No outrage against FAcebook or Twitter when they do it but Cry when China does.
This webpage is, the platform that sells games. This is an issue about a gaming related service refusing to sell games based on political pressuring.

What does Facebook, Twitter or WHO has to do with this? Nothing, apart from the fact that you would like to deflect blame from GOG by bringing up an unrelated issue a la "if you all didn't participate in every single anti-censorship cause, then you obviously only care about this particular China-related censorship issue for good boy points and therefore that absolves GOG", which is completely disingenuous. Just like OP's post with his conspiracy theories about this being some sort of a coordinated attack by bringing up Steam out of nowhere.

I think you know deep down that many people disliking this censorship aren't okay with other form censorship either, but sadly that would go straight against the narrative you're trying to fabricate. And you keep clinging on to that pathetic narrative because deep down you know you can't actually excuse GOG's actions. I for one am also against the Western progressive censorship as well, but hell, you'll probably tell me I'm lying about my convictions.

But please brave keyboard warrior, do keep on defending a multi-million dollar company that keeps trampling on your gaming choices. We have a word for your kind: a bootlicker.
Post edited December 18, 2020 by hera35
low rated
Yeshu: So are you gonna do anything about it or continue your crusade as a brave keyboard warrior?
klogd: This brings up a fair point. I've collected all my game installers and as such am ready to contact support to deactivate my account. I obviously don't WANT that, what I want is for GOG to do what they said they would do and release Devotion.

How long should I wait for them to break their embarrassing silence? 48 hours? a week?
I don't want to delete my account, and then the next day GOG grows a backbone which would make me want to support them, but I'd be too pissed about having my account and games deleted to actually register again
i dont get what you think you can achieve with that
they disable your acc and then what? do you think they will change their behaviour? or just write you down as a loss due to company policy update to current times?