NotsoBigjoe: so in order for me to do this I would have to purchase the game I already have through GOG? Is there anyway to transfer my steam files to GOG?
neumi5694: Well, GOG did not get any money from you, so in order to use GOG versions, you need to buy from GOG. If you bought from Valve instead, you should look there for offline versions ... or ask the developer.
GOG is not a certain version of the game, but a store, like Steam.
See it as if it was a real life store. If you buy from Toys R Us, you can't refund or replace the item at Wallmart, even if both sell the same items.
About the laptop ... it mostly depends on which games you are playing. If you want the newest games with fancy graphics, you'll have to grab something more powerful, but games with simple graphics like the ones designed for Switch, will run on almost everything.
Screen size ... the same. A smaller screen means less visible details, which is great for simple games, but not when you need high resolutions to find your troops on the screen. On the other hand lower resolution means, that you won't be able to see the details anyway, so you can turn off some options in newer games.
Offline gaming works like in the old days. Back then you had a CD or DVD, now you have to download the installers or have them on a thumb drive. That's the main difference.
However ... if you want to use a launcher like Galaxy or Steam, you'll have to be online. So first get used to the fact that offline gaming starts with NOT using a store launcher.
OK, I got all that and I did a lot of research on the laptop last night. I took a screen shot of my steam library to show the best buy tech today just to get an idea of what kind of games I play. I chatted with their chat person last night and she pretty much said exactly what you just said. I have a whole drawer full of game DVD's so that part I get. I haven't purchased anything from GOG yet as I want to load it directly onto the laptop and not my PC. Unfortunately for the laptop I'm on a budget but I think I can get something that would be an all around good fit for me. I'll post again tonight and let you all know what they said.
rtcvb32: I'd say you don't understand the technology or what it means; not to be mean or anything.
Wifi is on par with having internet, the only difference is it happens to hit the router using wirelress of some sort vs Ethernet line. (
Though i suppose you could have no internet and have wifi, or have ethernet without internet on a local LAN, but that's splitting hairs)
Offline would mean not requiring internet... at all.
So in short, once the game is downloaded and/or installed, no you shouldn't need internet or wifi to play singleplayer.
timppu: I think it was clear he meant any kind of internet connection. It is normal not to know all the exact terms, like if someone is calling his mobile internet connection "wifi" or something else, or is that white internet box in the living room "a cable modem" or "a router" or both or what, or are "wlan" and "wifi" the same or different things, is that wireless mouse using bluetooth or not, etc.
That is what I meant. I can't get anything in the campgrounds. I have to go to the office to update my email and messages on my wife's laptop and my tablet. standing rite next to the WIFI antenna it still takes 20 minutes to download a book. So there is almost nothing available at any campground.