To be honest, and i do not enjoy it to admit, you made a valid point: There could be some agreements "on the back" of everyone else, for example "If you make it Steam only on PC you will get better conditions"... things like this are not unlikely at all and it is known that Epic was doing this sort of "limited time deals" already... Hades was a good example... and Hades has never been released on GoG anymore after it has been done by Epic (previously we had Supergiant releases here). Steam, from what i heard, made some comparable actions but in a more sensitive way; for example "you may get advantage if you only support them"... it goes into this direction. And, lets say the advantage is worth maybe up to 10% of your possible revenue... you will avoid releasing it on the PC-competition at all. To them the matter is simple: "We can barely avoid Steam, as the hit in revenue will be visible so we have to make every effort pleasing them". Anyway, i still hope we might be wrong with this unfortunately very realistic "conspiracy-theory", but the actions they are currently doing... without any clear statement, does not sound very confident in taking away any dirty-actions.
I already heard, there can be certain penaltys if you release a game on another platform first... but it might not include consoles... as those are rather a "indirect competition", because in most cases not the same customers (only few people use consoles and PCs for gaming both at once... Steam users even becoming upset if a game is console-only).
However, we rarely will hear anything what is happening at our back because the ones able to hand out informations will keep quiet for their own good... else they can go home; this is how might is working and it can be very effective. I already told... in the long term any sort of monopoly will not be good for the customers and not even for the industry at some point; so i surely do not approve.
I still want to say, in general the GoG support is not bad and actually, when it comes to the selection of great games (even in the AAA territory) there is a pretty solid amount available. More than i actually did expect in the past... given the difficult circumstances. There are some black sheeps, mostly rather big sheeps but even some small ones... but in general i am happy with the games available today.
ChrisGriffin: Fear of piracy? Can't possibly be that because the game has been already pirated since it was released, and they are all steam rips.
As long as they do not attach a custom DRM on it (which is a pricy matter) this DRM is almost useless. However, there is still enough of publishers, actually the majority, placing some trust on it for whatever reason.
For me it is clear, i am not gonna buy this game until i see a release on a smaller platform.