Posted August 28, 2021

Jaded optimist
Registered: Apr 2014
From India

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted August 28, 2021
high rated
CAPTCHA will prevent you from doing that. It is there to stop people like you.
Your threat is similar to "remove this lock from your front door, or I will enter the apartment and pee all over!". Well, the lock obviously stops you from doing that.
Your threat is similar to "remove this lock from your front door, or I will enter the apartment and pee all over!". Well, the lock obviously stops you from doing that.

New Mouser
Registered: Nov 2015
From Denmark
Posted August 28, 2021

(I knew a shop owner who found out that even the letter slot being below knee height was no obstacle.)

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From Brazil
Posted August 28, 2021
Is GOG running ads on 4Chan or something? What's up with these new users?

Sharpest Tool On Shelf
Registered: May 2017
From Australia
Posted August 28, 2021
Not a new one, they joined back in 2014.
So just a silly person who accidentally came to GOG. They probably got out on the wrong side of the bed, tripped over the cat and landed on the keyboard, and just needed to vent ... and the cat had long since disappeared.
Either that or they are just a troll or can't find their marbles.
So just a silly person who accidentally came to GOG. They probably got out on the wrong side of the bed, tripped over the cat and landed on the keyboard, and just needed to vent ... and the cat had long since disappeared.
Either that or they are just a troll or can't find their marbles.

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States

I hunt Ghouls
Registered: Sep 2008
From Italy

Old bastard
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted August 29, 2021
low rated

[Modded by Sarafan: Please refrain from insulting others]
Post edited August 29, 2021 by Sarafan

"You are but a mat, compared to my power"
Registered: May 2017
From Poland
Posted August 29, 2021
low rated
Why be rude to him instantly? Is there literally any reason for that?
Talking about smart, and you start off a sentence with a non-capital letter, and you leave a space before a question mark. So this is kind of ironic. AAAND to top it off, you didn't end your sentence with a question mark, when it's clearly a question by all definitions out there. A rethorical question, yet a question nonetheless.
Maybe a little bit of humility would do well in your case ? did you ever think of that.
I haven't encountered much of captcha on GOG recently, but they ARE indeed a cancer in some other places, so the guy isn't entirely unsubstuntiated in his beliefs, though I am not sure why he needs to direct it on GOG as a whole for a simple annoyance.
Sarafan: We'll be there to stop you... :P But seriously, captcha is not that hard. It needs a little patience, that's true, but I never had problems with it. Are you sure that you don't have plugins in your browser that block some elements on GOG?
TapeWorm: Don't enable this piece ******. Just ban it and move on. You have a positive rep while calling people pieces of dog shit, but I am on a minus while being nice and respectful and non-racist, and not very misogynistic.. Seems logical. Maybe he lives in rural USA, and waiting for the captcha to finish loading takes eternity because of bad Internet? I am only getting fiber optics next month, and I know what 14 mbps life is like.
Plus, some of those captchas on certain websites ARE indeed a pain.
[Modded by Sarafan: edited the quoted part]
Talking about smart, and you start off a sentence with a non-capital letter, and you leave a space before a question mark. So this is kind of ironic. AAAND to top it off, you didn't end your sentence with a question mark, when it's clearly a question by all definitions out there. A rethorical question, yet a question nonetheless.
Maybe a little bit of humility would do well in your case ? did you ever think of that.
I haven't encountered much of captcha on GOG recently, but they ARE indeed a cancer in some other places, so the guy isn't entirely unsubstuntiated in his beliefs, though I am not sure why he needs to direct it on GOG as a whole for a simple annoyance.

Plus, some of those captchas on certain websites ARE indeed a pain.
[Modded by Sarafan: edited the quoted part]
Post edited August 29, 2021 by Sarafan

Is in the middle of nowhere.
Registered: Apr 2012
From Sweden
Posted August 29, 2021

Talking about smart, and you start off a sentence with a non-capital letter, and you leave a space before a question mark. So this is kind of ironic. AAAND to top it off, you didn't end your sentence with a question mark, when it's clearly a question by all definitions out there. A rethorical question, yet a question nonetheless.
Maybe a little bit of humility would do well in your case ? did you ever think of that.
People spam just to be an annoyance but even this point is completely lost on you obviously since it is something you yourself is very familiar with.
Post edited August 29, 2021 by ChrisG_

echo e.lolfiu_fefiipieue|tr valueof_pi [0-9]
Registered: Aug 2013
From United States
Posted August 29, 2021
Google ones are especially annoying. Although i used Recaptcha on another site, which uses common phrases or things you should be exposed to so missing portions are easily solvable. Like 'Jack jumps over the ____' and you put in candlestick... Or 'which is the biggest item here' and the list includes 'a bunny, a 747 jet, a dolphin, a laptop, a bear' etc... Not 'select all the sidewalk' and you don't know the rules and 90% of the time you select or don't select what it thinks you should...
Worse... when trying to do google captcha on a phone, the images are small enough i can't tell heads or tails on most of them while on a computer it's fine.
Worse... when trying to do google captcha on a phone, the images are small enough i can't tell heads or tails on most of them while on a computer it's fine.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Poland
Posted August 29, 2021
The fact that someone bends our Code of Conduct doesn't give you the right to insult him. Please refrain from doing so in the future. This is an official warning. Also to be clear, non-excessive swearing is allowed, but insulting others isn't. That's why I had to edit your post. If you have any questions regarding the moderation process please contact me or any other moderator through the private message.
Hiding a swear directed against others behind a different letter and a smile doesn't make it less insulting. Therefore I made a decision to mod your post. Also treat this as a warning and please refrain from doing so in the future. If you have any questions regarding the moderation process please contact one of the moderators directly.
Hiding a swear directed against others behind a different letter and a smile doesn't make it less insulting. Therefore I made a decision to mod your post. Also treat this as a warning and please refrain from doing so in the future. If you have any questions regarding the moderation process please contact one of the moderators directly.
Post edited August 29, 2021 by Sarafan

Sharpest Tool On Shelf
Registered: May 2017
From Australia
Posted August 29, 2021
Well he did rather insult every GOG customer, calling them (us) no-ones.
Funny how GOG have survived for 12+ years, considering no-one uses them.
It's not a very smart thread, whether the OP has a decent complaint about CAPTCHA or not. At best, it is a rather juvenile rendering of angst, containing a threat. That doesn't deserve any respect from us.
Funny how GOG have survived for 12+ years, considering no-one uses them.
It's not a very smart thread, whether the OP has a decent complaint about CAPTCHA or not. At best, it is a rather juvenile rendering of angst, containing a threat. That doesn't deserve any respect from us.

Champion of Azeroth Team
Registered: Oct 2018
From Poland
Posted August 30, 2021
As this thread is mostly offtopic now and focused around making fun of the OP, I'm closing it.
For future reference: even if you do not agree with someone, please still treat them with respect.
I would like to also thank you for the constrictive feedback some of you shared.
If any of you have a technical problem with our services, please feel free to contact our support team.
For future reference: even if you do not agree with someone, please still treat them with respect.
I would like to also thank you for the constrictive feedback some of you shared.
If any of you have a technical problem with our services, please feel free to contact our support team.