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*reorganizes the stack of spreadsheets on the desk to create more 'fun' *
cogadh: No, it's the same old installer GOG has always made available for download. Galaxy can be used to automatically install and manage your games, but if you want to continue doing things the "old way", you can.
Yeah, for how long? It's a slippery slope. Today they say the launcher is optional but tomorrow it will become an artificial requirement for control like Steam.

I've been screwed over by companies before.
Order is important!

My copy of Oblivion is in there somewhere.
cogadh: No, it's the same old installer GOG has always made available for download. Galaxy can be used to automatically install and manage your games, but if you want to continue doing things the "old way", you can.
Serren: Yeah, for how long? It's a slippery slope. Today they say the launcher is optional but tomorrow it will become an artificial requirement for control like Steam.

I've been screwed over by companies before.
Everyone has been screwed over before by something or someone. The only way to avoid getting screwed over is to go off the grid and live in a cave.
Post edited May 06, 2015 by tinyE
SalarShushan: *reorganizes the stack of spreadsheets on the desk to create more 'fun' *
...and there goes the OCD. :P
SalarShushan: *reorganizes the stack of spreadsheets on the desk to create more 'fun' *
Vythonaut: ...and there goes the OCD. :P
Don't make me link the Luke Skywalker clip again. :P
Navagon: GOG realised that people spend more time organising their downloads than they do playing them so decided, for your convenience, to do away with the whole gameplay side of things entirely and just focus on organising backups. For all we know these files could be renamed back issues of Crossstich Monthly.
JudasIscariot: You'd be surprised as to just how organized some folks are :)
Everyday, I spent some time to organize my hard drive. And everyday, it get messier, and harder to find stuff.
I wonder, will we be able to do both at the same time? Install the game via Galaxy and backup the installer, without having to download the game twice? I mean if Galaxy automatically installs a game, does it download the DRM-free installer for that purpose and keeps it on the harddisk if desired, or does it directly install the game on the harddisk from server files and if I want the backup installer, I'd have to download it another time?
Speaking of the Game Shelf, did GOG ever figure out why Fallout 1 always mysteriously disappears, then reappears?
Leroux: I wonder, will we be able to do both at the same time? Install the game via Galaxy and backup the installer, without having to download the game twice? I mean if Galaxy automatically installs a game, does it download the DRM-free installer for that purpose and keeps it on the harddisk if desired, or does it directly install the game on the harddisk from server files and if I want the backup installer, I'd have to download it another time?
Nope, it downloads two separate files, though it appears that the files are identical in pretty much every way except the file name (the Galaxy installer has "galaxy_" prepended to the name). The Galaxy installer file gets downloaded to a temporary directory in the Galaxy directory while the backup installer will be downloaded to the directory you specify in Galaxy's options. At least this is the way the alpha currently works, not sure if the beta or any future releases might change that.
Navagon: GOG realised that people spend more time organising their downloads than they do playing them
Count me as one of these people, I always say I should play the games instead of just collecting them. Can't help it though :D
cogadh: Nope, it downloads two separate files, though it appears that the files are identical in pretty much every way except the file name (the Galaxy installer has "galaxy_" prepended to the name). The Galaxy installer file gets downloaded to a temporary directory in the Galaxy directory while the backup installer will be downloaded to the directory you specify in Galaxy's options. At least this is the way the alpha currently works, not sure if the beta or any future releases might change that.
Hm. But if you just download the installer and install the games manually, Galaxy will be able to recognize the game and integrate it into the client with all its features?
You thinking skills are very good.
(So good that you over thought this one! =P)
Leroux: Hm. But if you just download the installer and install the games manually, Galaxy will be able to recognize the game and integrate it into the client with all its features?
Yes and no. If the game is using one of the newer GOG installers, Galaxy does not seem to have much trouble finding the game and adding it to the Galaxy library. If the game's installer is still one of the older ones, it won't necessarily automatically detect it, but you can force the detection manually from within Galaxy. I have 80-some-odd games installed and it only detected 5 of them automatically (I really need to do some updating), the rest I had to manually add... one at a time.
Ganni1987: Count me as one of these people, I always say I should play the games instead of just collecting them. Can't help it though :D
I'm getting past the worst of it myself. I recently switched to using the Downloader instead of the browser. Practically no game was up to date, apparently. So that required a lot of updating. Now I'm using Galaxy so that meant registering existing installations with Galaxy. So yeah, right now I'm more or less on top of things. But for a while those games were just files on my computer to be sorted out.
tinyE: Order is important!

My copy of Oblivion is in there somewhere.
Serren: Yeah, for how long? It's a slippery slope. Today they say the launcher is optional but tomorrow it will become an artificial requirement for control like Steam.

I've been screwed over by companies before.
tinyE: Everyone has been screwed over before by something or someone. The only way to avoid getting screwed over is to go off the grid and live in a cave.
That is an incredibly short-sighted and weak-willed assessment.
Post edited May 19, 2015 by Serren