Posted February 08, 2021

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From Switzerland

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted February 08, 2021
It's in the Anomaly. If you speed run it you could make it there in 60 to 90 minutes.

New User
Registered: Apr 2009
From France
Posted February 08, 2021

New User
Registered: Apr 2009
From France
Posted February 08, 2021

Maybe it's the same thing here. If somebody has enough time to try, It could be interesting...

2nd class citizen, 10 games missing updates
Registered: Apr 2013
From United States
Posted February 09, 2021

Maybe it's the same thing here. If somebody has enough time to try, It could be interesting...

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted February 09, 2021
high rated

Can someone please check and confirm? That would be great news indeed!

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted February 09, 2021

Can someone please check and confirm? That would be great news indeed!

Free speech and honey!
Registered: Jan 2015
From United States
Posted February 10, 2021
low rated
Ok, so the DRM has been removed now? If so, then my thanks goes out to Hello Games for listening to their customers and removing the DRM from their game. I will now consider buying it (when my boycott ends) or at least take a closer look at it. I would also remove the negative review I left for the game, except that GOG don't seem to give me that ability.
I can't say the same about GOG though. Since the DRM has been fixed, it seems in hindsight, if they had even made a thin pretense of working with the devs to address it, they might have earned some valuable brownie points with their users. Unfortunately, all we got from their end was some small print added to the game page and otherwise radio silence. All of which gives the impression they didn't really give a shit.
Oh well, we got the right outcome in the end, but I'm still not convinced about GOG's conviction.
I can't say the same about GOG though. Since the DRM has been fixed, it seems in hindsight, if they had even made a thin pretense of working with the devs to address it, they might have earned some valuable brownie points with their users. Unfortunately, all we got from their end was some small print added to the game page and otherwise radio silence. All of which gives the impression they didn't really give a shit.
Oh well, we got the right outcome in the end, but I'm still not convinced about GOG's conviction.

New User
Registered: Jul 2013
From Argentina
Posted February 10, 2021
Great news!!! Some days ago they remove it from Wasteland 3 and now from No Man Sky, good for GOG and Hello Games!!!
Time4Tea: Ok, so the DRM has been removed now? If so, then my thanks goes out to Hello Games for listening to their customers and removing the DRM from their game. I will now consider buying it (when my boycott ends) or at least take a closer look at it. I would also remove the negative review I left for the game, except that GOG don't seem to give me that ability.
I can't say the same about GOG though. Since the DRM has been fixed, it seems in hindsight, if they had even made a thin pretense of working with the devs to address it, they might have earned some valuable brownie points with their users. Unfortunately, all we got from their end was some small print added to the game page and otherwise radio silence. All of which gives the impression they didn't really give a shit.
Oh well, we got the right outcome in the end, but I'm still not convinced about GOG's conviction. So, accordingly to your statement, GOG is responsable when the developers introduced DRM in a DRM Free store, but they don't deserve some credit when they finally help to remove it?

I can't say the same about GOG though. Since the DRM has been fixed, it seems in hindsight, if they had even made a thin pretense of working with the devs to address it, they might have earned some valuable brownie points with their users. Unfortunately, all we got from their end was some small print added to the game page and otherwise radio silence. All of which gives the impression they didn't really give a shit.
Oh well, we got the right outcome in the end, but I'm still not convinced about GOG's conviction.
Post edited February 10, 2021 by KetobaK

Free speech and honey!
Registered: Jan 2015
From United States
Posted February 10, 2021
low rated

Did they help to get the DRM removed? Is there any evidence of that? GOG hasn't made any statement and their communication on the issue over the past 3 months has been piss poor. They haven't removed the small print on the store page, warning that the game includes DRM. They haven't marked the wishlist request as 'completed', nor ever even acknowledged it as 'in progress' in the first place. Right now, there is no evidence they are even aware of what is happening.
As far as I can see, it has all been driven by Hello Games.

New User
Registered: Jul 2013
From Argentina
Posted February 10, 2021

Did they help to get the DRM removed? Is there any evidence of that? GOG hasn't made any statement and their communication on the issue over the past 3 months has been piss poor. They haven't removed the small print on the store page, warning that the game includes DRM. They haven't marked the wishlist request as 'completed', nor ever even acknowledged it as 'in progress' in the first place. Right now, there is no evidence they are even aware of what is happening.
As far as I can see, it has all been driven by Hello Games.

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted February 10, 2021

So no, they don't deserve any credit for Hello Games listening to their customers.

New User
Registered: Jul 2013
From Argentina
Posted February 10, 2021

So no, they don't deserve any credit for Hello Games listening to their customers.

New User
Registered: Sep 2017
From Austria
Posted February 10, 2021
Overall it is a pointless discussion, since we don't know if GOG was involved in Hello Games decision. All we know is that it is removed now and till we get an official statement from GOG or Hello Games we won't know anything else.
The point is, it is removed and thats good news!
The point is, it is removed and thats good news!

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany