Lifthrasil: Do Dying Light and Battletech have DRM on parts of the single player game too? Or 'only' on their multiplayer parts? Gwent is a DRM-ed micro-transaction atrocity, I agree. But it is 'only' multiplayer too.
I'd say the event stuff in Dying Light and the free packs count, if the quicksilver items from No Man's Sky are supposed to count. The files contain items from Steam-exclusive packs (Chivalry weapon pack, both Left for Dead II packs, and the Unturned pack) that are free but we don't have access to them normally. Some event Items can be obtained by playing singleplayer but you can't participate in events without being online. Battletech has exclusive emblems, decorations, and a couple of other things that can only be accessed by playing online, if you paid the extra for Initiate of the Order. As soon as you log out of your Paradox account, those items disappear. They disappear even if you only play singleplayer.
Do either of the King of Fighters games with a Galaxy Edition have online-only characters?
Also, I just remembered that Hybrid Wars still requires you to be logged into your Wargaming account, in order to access one of the characters. You'd think they'd have fixed that right before or after the game was removed.