Lodium: Then the game do not contain DRM
Now, if hello games
had started to combat modding and make efforts into try stopping it
so that later down the road when the devs do not wish to add any more updates to the online version
making it impossible or very hard to modify the save file with the recent changes
then by all means its DRM content.
WinterSnowfall: That depends on your definition of DRM, which is one of the main contention points on this thread. IMHO we should just agree to disagree here - some people think this kind of mechanic is perfectly fine, while others see it as a major offense.
The way you are defending it however, is by saying that "No
true DRM would ever use something as simple as an online check/activation.
True DRM is only something you really can't circumvent."
I guess I'll say it again, probably one final time: the main concern that has us "all fussed up like idiots" is the possibility that these kind of practices become common on GOG. Not just with NMS, but other games that may increasingly separate content behind a needless multiplayer/online wall. The keyword here being "needless". It's just not the direction some of us want to see GOG head into, and you may disagree of course, but that doesn't make it an invalid opinion much like your opinion is no less valid, though it personally saddens me to see more and more people who don't really mind this kind of behavior on the part of game developers.
I didnt say True DRM is something you cant circumvent
I said it was hard to pull off or in a few cases impossible
I dont really see a case of DRM here
since the devs have left the door to the house open (Modding)
They coud have aslo handed us the key personally wich had been supported Modding but they havent.
If the devs had not abled us to edit the save file then i had completly agree with you but they havent.
Lodium: I think people in this thread are confusing inconvenience with DRM
they are not the same
Braggadar: The difficulty of breaking a DRM system does not equate to it not existing in the first place. Every edit not made possible in-game or using game-provided tools is in fact breaking the game. The savegames in NMS were never intended to be fiddled with, but the devs didn't bother trying to prevent it. And it's early days yet: the devs could rewrite the save system at any time making editing less convenient.
Thats just speculations
Also, theres plenty of games that newer was intented to be fiddled with
yet here we are in the year 2020 with plentifull games that have enchanced grapics, bug fixes, features etc and plentiful other stuff in 2020 thanks to modding