Lodium: If its just the savegame
what stops me from modifying my save file?
Have the game devs banned or barred me to make changes to the save file?
toxicTom: Nothing stops you from doing that. The file is plain JSON. You can edit it by hand (though valid values change with updates) and there are save game editors around too.
In fact, many long time players do just that, because earning the required quicksilver for the Living Ship mission can get boring, regardless if you do community missions or harvest the rare stuff in single-player.
And people who play completely offline do it to unlock the "Quincy" store. The point is, that this shouldn't be necessary.
Then the game do not contain DRM
to make comparrision
Toyata is gonna sell me a car
they have promised me that the car can go faster than 180 km/h
they havent told me how
and they just deliver me a car that can go 180 km/h
The argument here presented are the following
Its completly impossible to mod the car(change motor in the car in to a more powerfull one to make it go faster)
or if its possible, the ways to do it is surley not endorsed or in any way of form or shape supported or wery hard to pull off.
Later down the road as tech advances the factory or store one bougth the car from have made an even more powerfull engine.
Now, i can either mod the engine itself or buy me a new more modern engine
This requires permission or support from the manufacturer or unofficial support in any way form or shape.
Now heres the problem i see with the argument presented in this thread
Since the store is not delivering the new invented engine to me or is modding my old engine for free
then the claim is its bassicly impossible to mod the car and Toyata has broken their promise that the car coud go faster than 180 KM/h and they must have put a lock on the car preventing me from doing any modification myself despite not mentoining annywhere what that earlyer promise excatly entails into.
If there has been true DRM
then it woud be very hard to mod the the file
the dev woud surly not have supported it
and they woud have made evry effort to stop people from making such modifications to the game
The PC version of No Man's Sky can be modded to change features, and add in game assets.
Ps. Im Not saying mods are officially supported from the no mans sky team
but they surley as hell not banned it either
making the claim of drm a strange one, at least in this case.
Now, if hello games
had started to combat modding and make efforts into try stopping it
so that later down the road when the devs do not wish to add any more updates to the online version
making it impossible or very hard to modify the save file with the recent changes
then by all means its DRM content.
I think people in this thread are confusing inconvenienence with DRM
they are not the same