richlind33: I wonder if Murray learned anything from this. Be a shame if he didn't because NMS could have been so much better.
Murry probably is on vacation in Acapulco. IE, he took the money and ran off somewhere, most presume.
skeletonbow: Presumably enough people are still paying the top dollar premium to "find out for themselves" what an epic disappointing pile of crap the game really is. Funny considering it nosedived off the bottom of the Steam top 100 eons ago and is among the worst duds in ranking there. Steam had to put up a warning to tell people they will not be issuing any special refunds for the game even. Perhaps that is scaring people into buying it on GOG instead, causing GOG sales of the game to spike. :)
For 60 dollars? I know people are curious, but this isn't the Nintendo NX.
BoxOfSnoo: I think the snipped conversation is probably right though. Stop worrying about multiplayer and just play it single-player! I've seen so many great games almost fail because "OMGZ THEREZ NO MULTIPLAYER!1!!1!ONE". Ark is really good (if grindy) but you'd never ever catch me playing MP on that, because MP is poison in that game. Descent Underground is weak and kinda boring because they thought of SP after the fact (Overload looks and plays so much better, even just from the preview).
no possible way NMS lives up to the hype, but after the smoke clears, it's probably still a pretty cool game. I have no reason to take it out of my wishlist.
Well, sure. If your idea of cool is inventory management, repetitive planets, possibly having your progress erased every week, and there being no grand point to it all.