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bad_fur_day1: I realized the Digital Root of 999 equals 9.

9+9+9 = 27, 2+7 = 9

Freaky, I know.
(also I've thought about buying puyo puyo fever for the ds even though I prefer 2 because the AI in fever is SUCH A CHEATING BASTARD!!!!!!!, it's still puyo puyo. but then again I could just play puyo puyo 2 on the 3ds for a portable puyo puyo game)
Post edited October 10, 2016 by mrcrispy83
Now I'm stuck on one of the spot the difference image puzzles in Professor Layton, I swear the image is exactly the f**kin same. Exactly! Your cheating Layton. It's full of crap this puzzle I say!

But I'll get it.
bad_fur_day1: Now I'm stuck on one of the spot the difference image puzzles in Professor Layton, I swear the image is exactly the f**kin same. Exactly! Your cheating Layton. It's full of crap this puzzle I say!

But I'll get it.
If you give me the puzzle number, I can assist you.
If I remember correctly, Diabolical Box (Pandora's Box for the European version) had a lot of puzzles that required outside-of-the-box thinking (which is why it's one of my favorites, the later Layton games were good but pretty much ran out of unique puzzle ideas). It could be that you're looking at it in the conventional way when you need to think laterally.
Post edited October 10, 2016 by zeogold
It's okay don't need help with a spot the difference puzzle, but I swear I've searched the thing minutely, every piece of it.

Even sideways.
Post edited October 10, 2016 by bad_fur_day1
bad_fur_day1: I am relegated to ma DS at the moment. Can you guys recommend any good DS games please?

We have the regular subjects, Professor Layton, The World Ends With You, Etrian Odyssey's, Advance Wars, Pokemon. I just thought of Phoenix Wright as well, I must get a hold of that.

Not overly fond of pixelated rpgs on small screens like Chrono Trigger or Dragon Quest.

Anything else that is good? Any hidden gems?

*Also any great Game Boy Advance games for my DS slot as well please.
Plants VS Zombies. It has a DS version, with differences (small ones, though). It also has some extra new content. PVZ is THE, hidden gem!

Super Mario franchise titles. I don't remember which ones i played on emulation way back, but just cast an eye over it! Me thinks it was some remakes for DS.

Pokemon, you MUST get Soul Silver or Heart Gold. Best remakes ever.

Yugi Oh. My personal favorites were from Advance (worldwide edition, world tournament 2004), but there must be a good one in DS, too.

GRAND THEFT AUTO: Chinatown wars! A real gem! They suddenly decided to return to over-view and it works great! Many people like it, many reviews praise it! It even has drugs (one of the few, if not the only, GTA title with this feature implemented).

I had quite the collection of ROMS, but it was some time ago. Sorry, that's the only ones i both remember and can vouch for being interesting! Have fun!
999 is f**kin kewl.

I keep seeing nines everywhere. A pizza box had three sixes on it, upside down, yep, 999.

It's like that movie the Number 23, except it's 9.
Post edited October 11, 2016 by bad_fur_day1
bad_fur_day1: 999 is f**kin kewl.

I keep seeing nines everywhere. A pizza box had three sixes on it, upside down, yep, 999.

It's like that movie the Number 23, except it's 9.
Is there a lot of puzzles in it?
The more I read your thoughts about it, the more I want to try it myself.
bad_fur_day1: 999 is f**kin kewl.

I keep seeing nines everywhere. A pizza box had three sixes on it, upside down, yep, 999.

It's like that movie the Number 23, except it's 9.
zeogold: Is there a lot of puzzles in it?
The more I read your thoughts about it, the more I want to try it myself.
I tried it once. It started with a puzzle. Then came a 45min cutscene where my only interaction was pressing the confirm button to move to the next dialogue box. Next it asked me to choose between two doors if I'm not mistaken. After that, it was back to a long cutscene. At that point I nearly threw the game at the wall.

A lot of people speak highly of it, which makes me think I should give it a second chance, but after that first impression I don't know if I'll ever bring myself to do it.
Post edited October 11, 2016 by DaCostaBR
DaCostaBR: I tried it once. It started with a puzzle. Then came a 45min cutscene where my only interaction was pressing the confirm button to move to the next dialogue box. Next it asked me to choose between two doors if I'm not mistaken. After that, it was back to a long cutscene.
I'm fine with dialogue-based games if it's a good story.
Same as reading an ebook.
Post edited October 11, 2016 by zeogold
DaCostaBR: I tried it once. It started with a puzzle. Then came a 45min cutscene where my only interaction was pressing the confirm button to move to the next dialogue box. Next it asked me to choose between two doors if I'm not mistaken. After that, it was back to a long cutscene.
zeogold: I'm fine with dialogue-based games if it's a good story.
Same as reading an ebook.
I'm fine with dialogue heavy games if they maintain at least a semblance of interactivity. Otherwise, yeah, might as well be reading a book".

Persona 4 takes 1 hour and a half to get to the first fight and I think it's brilliant, but you at least have some freedom in your dialogue choices and movement before then.

People talk of the puzzles, so maybe there was just an initial hurdle to get through and becomes a lot more open afterwards.
bad_fur_day1: 999
zeogold: Is there a lot of puzzles in it?
The more I read your thoughts about it, the more I want to try it myself.
Um, sort of. A lot of maths puzzles kinda, but there is also more traditional adventure game environment type puzzles, like combine objects, matches and candle to light up a unexplored room, sharpen knife to cut something, open locked doors with hexdecimal substitution codes, geometric substitution codes. It's very maths orientated.

I actually thought you had played it.

It also has some really interesting odd information like psychic stuff and paranormal things. For example the sinking of the titanic was written about exactly in a book, ten years before it happened. And world consciousness and interconnectedness, like jumps in stats the more people know something, the more people understand it without having to know the original piece of information.
Post edited October 11, 2016 by bad_fur_day1
I'm not too much on NDS games but I have tried a few and I recommend:

- Nanostray 1 and 2
- Metroid Prime Hunters
- The World Ends with You
My table at Wendy's today, you guessed it, number 9.
The guy managed to get me Phoenix Wright 1, it came in today. YES! So Zeo and Mr. Wright can relax because I'm starting at the first one.