SirPrimalform: I heard Xeno X was extremely different. I've actually already bought 2 for the Switch, but I wanted to finish 1 first even though I understand they're unrelated storywise.
It is, combat is similar but you make your own character and have changeable classes (and a wide range of companions). It's not awful, but really no where near as good as the others.
They are
mostly unrelated, but there is a kind of nod that ties the two together, but you'd only really notice it if you played and finished both games.
SirPrimalform: I think I may have passed 120 hours already, but then I'm an extremely inefficient player. :P
100 hours is about the most I would spend in most games before I start to get a little bored and finish it off.
SirPrimalform: The eshop downloadable version of Xenoblade 1 does support the gamepad, but I'm wouldn't expect you to buy it again of course. On a completely unrelated note, the Wii U is extremely easy to hack. *cough*
Interesting... I will have to look into that then ;)
SirPrimalform: In terms of story, the whole Prison Island thing (avoiding spoilers) was the last real story event I played. I noticed that pretty much every Alcamoth quest has an ominous timer on it, so I decided to try and do them all before going any further for fear of missing them.
Yeah, there are a few quests that need to be completed before a certain point in the story, thankfully it does mark all of these. I think you're a little way off the point of no return, but I wouldn't quote myself on that.