I'm sorry, but this new design is absolutely horrible. It looks like someone either just created their first web page or designed this on a small tablet and didn't care how it would look on larger displays. This was clearly designed for a phone or small tablet display, not a 24+" computer monitor or 40+" TV display.
The following are my issues with this new design.
1. The image at the top of the page is way too big. It's so big that the only things you see on the screen upon loading the page is that image, the game's title and rating, the price and "Add to cart" button, and part of the image thumbnails.
2. The top image is so big, you can't see all of the thumbnails for the image previews. You see the top half of the thumbnails and the bottom half is cut off.
3. The left and right arrow keys no longer select the previous and next image. You need to click the thumbnail to display an image. Left and right arrow keys only show the previous/next image in the pop-out image display box, not the top-of-page image.
4. When you click a thumbnail to display an image, it automatically opens a larger image in a pop-out box instead of displaying it as the top-of-screen image..
5. When you click a thumbnail to display an image, it's currently taking a very long time to load the image. That may partially be due to high demand because of the anniversary sale, but I don't recall such long image load times during previous sales. As an example, I'm looking at images for "Lighthouse: The Dark Being". The first image took 12 seconds to load, four images took 6 seconds to load, four images took 1 to 2 seconds to load, and three images loaded with no wait. Displaying images for "Hollow Knight" took 29 seconds to load the first image, four seconds each for the next two images, and the fourth image stayed at the loading "progress bar" indefinitely (I didn't go beyond the fourth image).
6. When viewing the images, only the first four thumbnails are shown below the image. When you go to the fifth image, it does not change the thumbnail section to reflect the next set of four. images.
7. If the first thumbnail is a video, then the big top-of-screen image is also a video. You can click the play button in that top-image video to play the video, and it will play in that location. However, the video has no controls. There is no way to pause or stop the video, no way to control audio, etc.
8. The top image is so big, the price box covers the bottom-right part of it.
9. The rating underneath the game title shows a single star followed by a numeric rating. Showing the image of one star gives the impression that the game's rating is one star. The number of stars displayed should match the actual rating, like it used to. If you want to add a numeric rating, that's fine, but it should still display the correct number of stars.
10. The full product description is now shown automatically (instead of having a "Read more" link/button if the description was long). That means a lot of scrolling to get to the reviews if the description is long.
11. Goodies are now shown beneath the product description instead of above it. That means a lot of scrolling to see what goodies are included if the description is long.
12. The goodies are listed one per line, with a lot of padding around them. That means a lot of vertical space taken up if there are a lot of goodies (for example, The Witcher 3), which means even more scrolling to get to the reviews.
13. The rating functionality is broken. For example, on the game "Little Bug", it shows "Be first to rate" under the game title, but when you scroll down to the user reviews section, it shows "3.5/5 overall rating" and "4.5/5 verified owners rating". There are no reviews, but the under-title rating display should not be affected by that.
To give an example of the amount of scrolling required to get to the reviews on a 1920x1080 display, for the game "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition", you have to scroll down through six pages to get to the reviews. The list of included goodies takes up 2.5 of those pages.
Additionally, on Internet Explorer 11 (Windows 7), the image thumbnails don't appear. Granted, people should avoid using Internet Explorer, but I'm sure there are many who still use it.
There may be other issues with the page, but this is just my initial impression after seeing it fro the first time.
Now, I'm not being unfair or completely negative. I will say that I do see some good changes to the design, as few as they are. They are the increased size for the system requirements and the additional filtering options for reviews. I didn't have a problem with the system requirements before, and if people bought a game without looking at the requirements, then they'll continue to do so and the increased size won't make a difference, but at least GOG can now say "You couldn't possibly have missed that!" Regarding the reviews, it's nice to have a verified owners option, as well as to be ability to show more reviews per page, sort them by rating, filter by language, and filter by date posted.