Oddeus: A 1080ti for 2 euros? This is a bit hard to believe... to put it mildly.
not really might have bent fins in the cooler that can't be bent back without damaging the card so it's sold fast to make space for the ones they can sell WITHOUT defects at full price it is also an Auctionhouse! 7 people buy the same thing you buy at the same time!
you know like going once going twice sold for 2 euro's to 7 or 10 people something like that!
Oddeus: A 1080ti for 2 euros? This is a bit hard to believe... to put it mildly.
it isn't two euros it's supposed to be free! Unless!
fr33kSh0w2012: These CANNOT BE stolen goods!
Themken: Alright.... maybe. I thought of a third option: The prices shown to me were starting from prices and those bottom prices are for broken and damaged cards. I do not know what others see when visiting that link but I see ridiculously cheap GPUs.
Look at this one with 0 defects
Buy With Other ShoppersLearn More
$756 $681.00 aud
Buy with other shoppers to get it at the lowest price. These people are waiting to purchase this item with you!
1000+ bought this
2.Since each display different, may have
off color.
number 2 strikes me as odd they painted these slightly the wrong color