This is very sad. I just noticed this (7 days after it happened) and also went to see the thread in the Galaxy sub-forum.
For an important news as it is, i agree with others in that this is a shady and sneaky way to present it. In my case, as i said, i know it only thanks to this thread that lead me to the "official" one. I don't use Twitter or Galaxy but this is not something that only affects Galaxy users, but all GOG users.
Selling Epic Store DRM games through, just...i'm speachless, this really hurts a lot. Imo, it's a big (BIG) step in the wrong direction, a path that leads to DRM and who knows what more. It's also a big contradiction of what GOG is supposed to be (or was supposed to be officially, now i am not sure anymore because they hide it and not talk openly, as they did with other past changes)
That's not integration, that's not just allowing players to run a game from another platform (with drm and logging in those other platforms anyway), it's selling Epic Store games in exchange for a profit. It's selling your own principles, those that you still defend officially while doing this kind of things at the same time. "Con la boca pequeña" we say in spanish, and as it don't have an easy translation, more or less means: to talk out of both sides of your mouth.
I tried to read the whole thread, and among a lot of valid and good arguments i noticed this:
toxicTom: If that's "value" nowadays, then I'm probably too old to understand it.
GameN16bit: Obviously, you are not the target audience then.
Disclaimer: I do not work for, nor am I paid by All views expressed in this post are my own, and do not represent the views of or it's employees. My views are expressed as a fan, gamer, and fellow GOG user... that is all. Thank you.
I must be also too old and not the target audience. I'm only a veteran gamer with some principles i refuse to surrender, and it's worrying that a GOG mod (even if he says to speak on it's own) could make me feel like a stubborn minority they don't need or want to hear. Maybe we are a minority out there, but i don't think we are here, inside GOG (and that goes also for the veteran GOG employees that i'm sure would be also ashamed but unable to say anything)
Really disheartening :(
Cheers to all of you that are still there, fighting. #FCKDRM