Grargar: After Blizzard forcefully bundled with the older version of Starcraft
BTW when did that happen, and what does it cause? You have to be online to launch and/or play the game?
I ask because I recall Blizzard offered the original Starcraft as a free digital download for sometime (or do they still do that?), and at least that downloaded package could be considered fully DRM-free. You just have to run the StarCraft.exe in that package, and not e.g. StarCraft_Launcher.exe (which is what I presume takes you to the client or something, maybe...).
I am currently playing that release in Linux (WINE) by running that "wine StarCraft.exe" directly, and it works just fine, without lauching any clients or anything.
So apparently this version also had the client included but you could bypass it by just running StarCraft.exe instead. Has that changed recently?