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Breja: Oh yeah, after Reforged I really want another remaster from them.

Anyway, I know I'm in a minority but I nver really liked Diablo 2 that much. I never even finished it. 1 was great and still holds up for me, but 2 always bored me before I could end the third act.
*stares into the abyss*

thespiders took you in act 3 didn't they?
Same old, same old.
Is it modable? Would the 32bit limitations be removed from said modding? Can i play it with old mods (easy conversion)? Can i do scripts to say do auto-coin pickup? Auto pickup/sell of mundane equipment? Or an API to do basic AI of how i'd want the charcter to play?

Honestly, i remember very slow very grindy very annoying experiences with vanilla. I also remember in places being way too easy.

Regardless, i doubt i'd buy or support Blizzard over this.
Shanuca: Thank god they won't make us stay online to play this remaster. Apparently, it needs to be online one time for activation and that's it.
Even once is once too much. Treating potential paying customers as pirates.

I'd probably buy it if it were to come out DRM-free, but... D2's gameplay doesn't hold up at all. Too many dead skills, the skill synergy system, horribly repetitive grind to get even to moderate levels or acceptable gear, online-only quests... runes in general, but especially runewords, immunities, reasons to NOT progress the story, obscenely limited storage, tons of side-areas basically devoid of reason to go there because the terrible loot drop mechanics made things only drop from certain places/monsters (instead of a far more enjoyable "play anywhere" global loot system). Limited, hard-to-get respec, causing you not to spend your level up points until quite late for many builds...

It's filled with tons of non-good design choices. It had some good things, and it was honestly fun to play up until level 40 or 50, the first difficulty, maybe a little bit into the second. But the joy quickly ended by then.

Tons of rose-colored glasses with D2, but D1 has aged better/held up more strongly over time than D2.
Post edited February 20, 2021 by mqstout
At best, I'm taking a "Wait and See" card, at worst I'm already cynical.
Grargar: After Blizzard forcefully bundled with the older version of Starcraft and butchered the everloving hell out of Warcraft 3, I'm happy that I backed up the original version of Diablo II.
I still can't understand why they did it with WarCraft 3 and how exactly they evaded the massive lawsuit from the buyers of original game.

As for the original Diablo II game I thought there was no way to run it without check up, was I wrong all this time, hmm. I have it and it runs well on Windows 7 but not without internet connection, however I can run Starcraft 1 without it still.
EDIT: I've made a mistake, StarCraft 1 (legacy) can't be run without online check while Diablo 2 (legacy) can.
Post edited February 20, 2021 by Cadaver747
Hah, they can't even make a website that loads and works worth a damn. (
Cadaver747: As for the original Diablo II game I thought there was no way to run it without check up, was I wrong all this time, hmm. I have it and it runs well on Windows 7 but not without internet connection, however I can run Starcraft 1 without it still.
I don't know if they eventually added that in one of the later patches, but I've run it freshly-installed on laptops in a cottage with no Internet. Took a few and a switch and did a nice LAN party.
Post edited February 20, 2021 by mqstout
Gonna be garbage, have we forgotten War3 reforged already?
I have no faith in Blizzard.

Its gonna be casualized in some way.
Post edited February 20, 2021 by Lord_Kane
mqstout: I don't know if they eventually added that in one of the later patches, but I've run it freshly-installed on laptops in a cottage with no Internet. Took a few and a switch and did a nice LAN party.
Thank you, I've just checked it and you are right: Diablo 2 (legacy) runs well without an internet connection. I mistook it with Starcraft 1 (legacy) which can no longer run without internet.
broaf another shitty repixelling , when will these cash grabs stop ?
M3troid: 16GB RAM.

To run a game that came out in 2000.

What da faq, Blizzard???
You do realize this is an HD 3D remaster of D2 so it is going to take quite a bit of horse power to run it vs the original game.
And by that they've finally acknowledged which diablo was real Diablo. As if we didn't know.

Also, no Linux support as usual I presume? And hard-DRMed probably too. They can GTFO.

PS Loooooooool, even the *trailer* is locked behind the stupid age check. What a pile of steaming...))
PPS nothing that a quick youtube-dl can't fix tho
Post edited February 20, 2021 by osm
dr.schliemann: faithful remaster of Diablo II and its expansion, Lord of Destruction.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I highly doubt that. 99% chance they will censor all kinds of things in accordance with their extreme SJW sensibilities, just like they have been doing with their other recent "remasters."
but one have to look real hard for what to ruin in D2 *in this regard*

but I somehow expect blizzard (or what's left of it) to "deliver" even on this...

but mostly it would be the cartoonish visuals and the abysmal console-ness. And of course a horribly twisted DRM, but that must go without saying.
Probably means we won't see the original appear here.
It looks like Blizzard is running of tiles to remaster. They gave up on Diablo and Warcraft 2 (leaving them to GoG), but rest (including the early arcade titles) received updates. I am wondering, what are they going to do now?