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With all the horrible decisions that YouTube have been making over the years, it looks like there are a number of YouTube creators who are starting to move their content on to a new website/app called LBRY (Library -

Apparently the app is completely open source, and there's still a way to make money. I'm not entire sure how it all works, but I'm excited to see a new platform come along that offers real competition to YouTube. What are your thoughts?
Not the only nor the first comtetitior to Youtube. Best of luck to them. They will need it.
A digital marketplace? What has this to do with youtube? And why should I download and instal yet another client?
Youtube definitely needs a serious kick to the backside. Bring on the competition.
Maxvorstadt: A digital marketplace? What has this to do with youtube? And why should I download and instal yet another client?
Users have the option to upload videos on the app for free, but they also have the option to charge (which I doubt many people will use). I agree that having to install an app sucks, but I'm hoping they'll create a website in the future. Who knows.
At this point the only thing that can compete with Youtube is Youtube itself. Meaning, they will have to pull a Facebook regarding a data breach or something similar, repeatedly, in order to even notice a small dent in their popularity.

I can only picture services like Twitch (focused on a certain albeit massive audience) competing for a few breadcrumbs of Youtube's pie. A curated video platform for cultural content would be really nice but considering how Filmstruck ended I'm not sure if that's even an option. Unfortunately, I don't see how LBRY can be sustainable, let alone compete with Youtube at all, especially since currently it requires an app to access their hosted media and doesn't offer anything especial in terms of content.
Post edited June 20, 2019 by Punington
Good luck. Vimeo, Viddler, Blip and others have tried. They vary mostly in range of dead and forgotten to barely sliding by. I mean do you remember Mytube or whatever it was called? Or that short lived one that was made by reddit users?

If Peertube only manages to get a soft occasional mention, I really doubt this will be able to take things by storm.
Post edited June 21, 2019 by Darvond
Themken: Not the only nor the first comtetitior to Youtube. Best of luck to them. They will need it.
I recall Youtube was (and is?) making loss constantly, so any competitors will probably be making even more, as they have less ad revenue.

I guess it costs a lot to host people's videos for free.

Post edited June 21, 2019 by timppu
I downloaded the client from them some months back and it's alright. No complaints. I think it has more features but it definitely lacks the people I usually watch but I'll maybe come back to it when more of my favorite channels get on there. It does have a handful of good channels, however.
YouTube will not have competition for a long time for one reason. People are lazy. They are extremely negative when it comes to change.

YT story is very similar to Steam. It was not the first of it's kind but they where the ones that made it's service popular. And people became so accustomed to it that they allow and actually want it to be a monopoly as they are, again, lazy as f@ck and using more than one video/gaming/music service terrifies them.
Yeshu: YouTube will not have competition for a long time for one reason. People are lazy. They are extremely negative when it comes to change.

YT story is very similar to Steam. It was not the first of it's kind but they where the ones that made it's service popular. And people became so accustomed to it that they allow and actually want it to be a monopoly as they are, again, lazy as f@ck and using more than one video/gaming/music service terrifies them.
Totally agree! People don't like to try different things because they are used to the platform and our most valuable nostalgic treasures are from youtube in most of the cases. That being said, we do really need a competitor because youtube is getting crazy, not only that the ads are out of control, they doesn't even care about closing channels and demonetizing people who really deserve the money.
From what I've heard, the reason we haven't seen many YouTube competitors is simply that the storage needed is too expensive for a business without tremendously deep pockets (ie Uber which consistently loses billions but investors just keep piling on)... and investors would rather do business with YouTube than against them,

About the only realistic thing I could envision would be if Amazon went into the YouTube space. Amazon could take on another quasi-monopoly... but the fact that giant companies have to battle it out like kaiju doesn't make me feel better. Just don't see how a small start-up can successfully move into this space ATM.
Post edited June 21, 2019 by kai2
I had this thought just now.

Aren't pornsites considered "competitors" of youtube? When is the first person who left youtube gonna say "thanks for watching me on xhamster please like and subscribe!"

Seriously though, youtube competitors are dime a dozend nowadays. The oldest ones, AFAIK, were Vimeo, Dailymotion and Stage6. There are probably many others that came up and still exist as early as 2006 or so who might still exist.
Post edited June 23, 2019 by Dray2k
What bad decisions exactly has YT made? I don't keep up to date on such things.
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