Moonbeam: Aw, miss tinyE, imagine what his answers would be:)
Probably something snarky and silly, as always.
(Also to be fair/clear, not everything he said was nice, BUT some of it was funny.....especially when he wasn't doing such at the expense of others here )
nightcraw1er.488: Yep, thought so. Cart man from South Park used it. But you know how language changes rapidly, so best to check.
Yup, like with another can be(and was when coined) misleading to some. :)
fr33kSh0w2012: No you don't, It would be something filthy no doubt like a graphic picture or corpses or something equally as sick that whatever they are is VERY VERY sick in the mind
Tbf I liked some of his tamer stuff when he posted it at either his own expense or when he was just trying to be silly while not insulting anyone.