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DaCostaBR: Didn't you know? That's it. They announced weeks back that they would only have Zelda on the floor. They also had a couple of small Pokémon trailers, and a release date for Paper Mario Color Splash, but that's it. Zelda is 90% of their E3 presence.
I haven't really been following the E3 stuff. I vaguely remember seeing something to that effect, but I didn't realise this was literally it...

They really must be putting all their efforts into whatever the hell the NX is...
Watching the livestream now. THIS is what Twilight Princess should have been. Looks great.
adaliabooks: I haven't really been following the E3 stuff. I vaguely remember seeing something to that effect, but I didn't realise this was literally it...

They really must be putting all their efforts into whatever the hell the NX is...
Part of the problem being that I'm not sure even they know what the NX is.
adaliabooks: I haven't really been following the E3 stuff. I vaguely remember seeing something to that effect, but I didn't realise this was literally it...

They really must be putting all their efforts into whatever the hell the NX is...
Darvond: Part of the problem being that I'm not sure even they know what the NX is.
It's their new console, what else does it need to be?
haydenaurion: Watching the livestream now. THIS is what Twilight Princess should have been. Looks great.
Why Twilight Princess of all games?

If anything you mean Skyward Sword?
That does look rather lovely... Not that I would buy a Wii U for it, mind you.
haydenaurion: Watching the livestream now. THIS is what Twilight Princess should have been. Looks great.
Elmofongo: Why Twilight Princess of all games?

If anything you mean Skyward Sword?
Uh, I never got around to playing Skyward. :P

Edit: Was Skyward that bad?
Post edited June 15, 2016 by haydenaurion
I would prefer to have another realistic style of graphics, like Zelda: TP, or more to their original WIIU preview. Cel-shading once in awhile is fine, too, as long as they don't muck it up. I would prefer Skyward Sword over Wind Wakers style. They were both great though.

According to that trailer, the graphics quality is sub par though. It should be better than Skyward Sword or atleast even but no jaggies, yet it is beneath it. I hope they fix their shaders, colors, textures, and all else. Besides the intrinsic wish that they all come to the PC under GoG one day.
Elmofongo: Why Twilight Princess of all games?

If anything you mean Skyward Sword?
haydenaurion: Uh, I never got around to playing Skyward. :P

Edit: Was Skyward that bad?
A lot of people hated it. Then again, a lot of people hated Twilight Princess, and look at Elmofongo. It's still Zelda at the end of the day, and if you're into that, you will always get some enjoyment out of it.
Post edited June 15, 2016 by DaCostaBR
haydenaurion: Uh, I never got around to playing Skyward. :P

Edit: Was Skyward that bad?
DaCostaBR: A lot of people hated it. Then again, a lot of people hated Twilight Princess, and look at Elmofongo. It's still Zelda at the end of the day, and if you're into that, you will always get some enjoyment out of it.
Well, in any case I really like this new one. Shame that I abandoned Nintendo and stick mostly to PC these days, I just couldn't stick with Nintendo after the direction they took with the Wii and onward.
neurasthenya: It's their new console, what else does it need to be?
Well, let's see here.They've got two console revisions coming up to deal with, the whole of VR, the entire PC market, and stockholders to deal with.

So it needs to be very excellent.
mistermumbles: That does look rather lovely... Not that I would buy a Wii U for it, mind you.
But would you buy an NX for it?
mistermumbles: That does look rather lovely... Not that I would buy a Wii U for it, mind you.
WBGhiro: But would you buy an NX for it?
I wonder if the NX will be another region locked console...

And again they use Cel'shading :P

Thank you so much Wind Waker fans you assholes with your "Cel-shading makes the grafix less aged and more timeless :P"

Now I will never get my next Main line Zelda game that has the grahpical art style and realism of Ocarina of Time:

But to more positive notes, I am so excited for this game. I am a bit miffed at the whole technology theme and Link without his traditional outfit.

and what is wrong with cell shading ?
you are aware that wind waker had a rather disturbing back story where hyrule was flooded by the gods themselves to prevent ganondorf from rising to power because the hero of time wasnt around aymore ?

or are you the type of person that thinks every thing thats even remotely animated and looks like a "cartoon" is automatically for children ?

if so stay away from watership down plague dogs felidae and grave of the fireflies they wont sit well with you
mistermumbles: That does look rather lovely... Not that I would buy a Wii U for it, mind you.
WBGhiro: But would you buy an NX for it?
no but i might buy a wii U
im poised to buy a wii U anyway
Post edited June 15, 2016 by snowkatt
Berserk's for kids right? Right.