A lot of Companies have been known to come up with great ideas,
create those ideas, & then forget about those ideas.
Like the PSP that Sony came up with, it had several
versions of the PSP, & eventually they ended up with
the PS Vita that they forgot ever existed.
Most people wanted to try the PSP, or the PSP 3,000, or the PS Vita,
but Sony never supported the product, & it just ended up being another
one of those things that falls into a failed product category, just like the
so called PS VR, the so called PS Move, & many other things.
Steam is doing the same thing with the Steam Deck, & their Steam Controller.
the Steam Link, & Steam Machines.
Companies are so full of ideas that they just don't support,
Nintendo doesn't seem to do this at all. They support all of it.
Lately they don't even care if the Games are good anymore,
it's like either make good Games, or Retire, don't half rear
end it, & give us Games that are terrible, lOl.
Skyrim was well liked by many people, but to me Special Edition
was a kick in the face, it had bugs right at launch, it had a MOD
System that broke the core Game Play, Bethesda wanted money
for MOD's, & the Company didn't treat the Special Edition as if
it was anything special at all. I personally prefer the Original Skyrim
because of many of these problems surrounding the Special Edition.
However, I got both on Steam before the Bethesda Launcher came out.
I've heard that Skyrim Special Edition has a new way to go back to an
older version of the Game, but i've never tested it out myself.
To me, though? Skyrim always felt like the Developers just didn't
put enough effort into making it good, the Graphix or Visuals sorta
felt like they didn't improve much at all over Morrowind, there was
not enough of a gap between the Games in terms of Quality. A bunch
of other Games at the time of Skyrim release were showing signs
of impresive graphics, & all that, but Skyrim still felt like it was being
held behind. 1 Improvement in Special Edition I found though, was
that the World looked better, & so did the wild life. Everything else
just looked the same, or worst then regular Skyrim.
The worst thing about MMORPG's is other players?
Ya, I had to deal with this in GTA5 Online, I had to play by myself
just to have a good time, & avoid confrontations with people who
hack your accounts, & get you into trouble, & such, it's just not
really all that worth it to play a Game in my opinion. I did play
the Racing Games, & enjoy doing the Heists with other players, though.