Dan3DIM: Yes I like that website, but really hard to learn a special name for search engine to find what I want to read.
My favorite blog is Dan Felder, nope it's not me!
Sadly no. our first game will be FPS Hybrids with Horror simulation games. With a infused from Half Life series (not sci-fi theme or Aliens).
I may design at least 14 games design but none of those are RPG.
But one of my teammate want to create RPG, maybe one day when we are success in our project and I can add RPG Hybrids into one of my Games design that may fit. When we gain any knowledge of course!
Tauto: Okay,thanks for the answer.
your welcome, RPG is out of my league at the moment. ( MMORPG? no way, even worse. )
After I got degree from university, I carry on what I study from university and become freelancer.
I had been helping lot of Indies around the world, some of those are RPG and they quit before I get paid. I learn that RPG is hardest to made it good, too long for small team.
Only three of games which I've take a part of was through in googleplay store, and it all flop. Out of maybe at least 60 different Indies teams quit after they start. Maybe that why I start up one of mine after learning 15 years worth of skills, heh.