wpegg: GOG explicitly defers jurisdiction and agrees to function under US law, in which case it does.
They are actually required so my bilateral trade agreements with the EU.
PixelBoy: Still, the basic rule is that it's the laws of that country where the selling party is located that matter, that is actually very clearly stated by GOG (with the exception of that strange USA exception...):
I don't know if it's the result of trade agreements between EU or the rest of the world, or a non-binding clause common in EULAs that simply hasn't been tested in court.
Without a local law allowing such transfer of jurisdiction, any nation has the right to effect their own laws on anybody doing business within their borders. And local internet users are considered "within the borders" in all the cases I'm familiar with.
PixelBoy: I never knew they had some clause for American customers. Now I'm only wondering why they have such a thing for one specific country - is it because publishers actually want to have some US laws involved, or is it some kind of courtesy for Americans?
Well.. for starters, our "best money can buy" judicial system is rather heavily pro-corporate.
Especially if you ensure to have arbitration cause and governing jurisdiction tied to the 9th Circuit Court, which is infamous for being particularly pro-corporate.
US and EU countries also have trade agreements long in place that tie governing jurisdiction to customer's residence, if lacking the above clauses. Which US law permits because poor corporations cannot be expected to have nationwide legal representation, and if you're a private entity, the requirement to haul ass across the nation is enough to kill any potential suits before they happen. Like I said, "best money can buy."
There's also the fact that EU in general has much stronger customer protection laws from the instances I've read on. Hell, you guys get to enjoy at least partial protection of privacy courtesy of GDPR... meanwhile, as an example, our ISPs can freely trade anything dug out from the traffic going over their pipes.
I also assume it helps if your local legal representation actually knows the applicable laws (so having a European lawyer represent the company in the US wouldn't work anywhere as well as having a US lawyer).
Edit: Just as a curiosity, here's an example case of determining applicable jurisdiction:
http://cisgw3.law.pace.edu/cisg/wais/db/cases2/050319u1.html A legally-Canadian company suing a legally-Czech (later moved to Croatia) corporate entity in US court (New York), because of FDA filing by the "Canadians" ;)