jefequeso: What do you think makes it a gamble?
Regarding The Grandfather... as far as I'm aware, it was only posted once to Greenlight, but I'm not really in charge of that end. I have no idea what he does a lot of the time :)
catpower1980: Well, having enough views/sales on release to get (and stay...) on steam frontpage is already kind of "head or tail" game in itself but I think that at 2$ even people who would have been mildly interested would have bought it anyways (the famous "for the price of one coffee", at least in Europe) so that's potential big loss at the highest peak sale and on 3 November, it will likely get to its "long tail" state. I know you want to recreate the sales condition of Moon Sliver but yeah, time will tell, hope it's gonna work out for you.... ;)
For The Grandfather, I made a mistake, it was actually posted/deleted twice (there's no more entry for it on Greenlight now): You might want to manage him a bit :o)
Yeah, we'll see how it works. Figuring out the right balance between so cheap I'm losing money and so expensive nobody wants to buy it is, of course, an art. One which I certainly don't claim to have mastered. I made The Music Machine too expensive, so I decided I'd try going the other way.
And yes, you're absolutely right. I'm trying to re-create the conditions of The Moon Sliver, although I'm not being as risky as I could have.
What happened with The Moon Sliver was that it was selling around 50-70 units per hour during the initial release and initial exposure, which is about what A Wolf in Autumn has been doing. But at one point, the units per hour for The Moon Sliver shot up to about 1000. Only for about an hour, then they dropped back down. The only thing I've been able to figure out in hindsight is that occured when the Halloween Sale began, and the game accidently went on sale for 80% off, for a few hours. Then I contacted Steam and they fixed it, re-setting the game to 20%. I think that huge boost in sales helped it stay on the front page for awhile.
I'm kinda trying to do the same thing with A Wolf in Autumn. Just a little safer and less potentially annoying for customers. It released at 40% off, and it's going to be part of the Halloween sale (not allowed to say when it is, but you guys all know it's coming soon) for 40% off. I don't know if it's going to have the same effect or not.
Even if it doesn't work, I'm starting to learn the power of the weeklong deals, if you use them properly, so I can make money off the game that way. But it would be really nice to have an income boost right now like I did with The Moon Sliver :P
Or, maybe I'll crash and burn some time in the near future because I didn't handle my releases properly. I don't know. I'm learning that basically nobody knows how Steam works, or the best way to utilize it. Especially the indie publishers I've had some contact with.
Ixamyakxim: Congratulations! Always happy to see you getting stuff out there!
Thanks very much!