Rusty_Gunn: from what I can tell the "issue" with force awakens is that "Rey" is too much of a "Mary Sue" for many people. as an untrained force user she apparently is to perfect for many to relate to. (knows more a bout the falcon than Solo & can best Kylo ren in areas he is trained in).
Yeah, I know all that and I even agree with a lot of it, just that I see it as poor writing and not feminist conspiracy. I'm pretty sure most people decide whether a female character is a bad ass hero or a terrible Mary Sue based on how big her tits are (Lara Croft- badass hero, Rey-Mary Sue).
I only replied here because, regardless of whether we ascribe the problems with Rey to bad writing or TheProtocols of the Elders of Feminism, I still have no idea where the bashing of men is in that movie, and how Han Solo factors into that. I've gotten used to the panicked screams of "Rey is a feminist monstrosity" (tremendously annoying though they are, obscuring the real problems of the movie), but this is a new angle on it that genuinely baffled me.