Posted March 01, 2016
Elmofongo: Now this is a stance I like to know why you hate the Harry Potter movies?
Got any criticisms about the Philosipher's Stone and Chamber of Secrets? My two favorite movies?
For one thing , like I said, I really hate the movie Harry and Ron. I find them impossible to like, annoying and having the collective IQ of a paper cup. Paradoxically, the incredibly strong adult supporting cast, composed of some of the best british actors, is almost detrimental, because put in the same room with those great actors, the main cast only seemed to fail even worse. To be fair, Emma Watson did manage to get better as an actress as time went by, possibly the only thing about the franchise to improve over time. Got any criticisms about the Philosipher's Stone and Chamber of Secrets? My two favorite movies?
As for the rest, I just always found it that the movies made the faults of the books more evident, while losing most of what was good about them. The "magical" world of Harry Potter always felt too mundane for me, and the movies only made it felt even less fantastic. The movies don't have any magical or mysterious mood for me. Nothing dreamlike, surreal or special. It just reinforces how crude the world building and the imagination of the books really is. Likewise, where the plot of the books would be paper thin or outright make no sense, when chopped up to fit in a movie those faults would be laid bare, even worse than when somewhat coverd by some fluff in the novels.
And as the movies went on they only got worse. The Half Blood Prince is downright hilarious in how nonsensical and incoherent it is at least for someone who has not read the book.
Post edited March 01, 2016 by Breja