bigfella007: I have a new computer with windows 10 and I am wondering if I can download my games again?
Well, I will ignore the Windows part as that is not relevant. Yes you can download your games anytime you want whilst the website is available. This is the point, your reliant on the website being available. I still don't understand why people rely on these things. Backup your product so its always in your control, save the files to an external HDD. Me personally I have four rotating backup drives, and am looking to improve that by adding a RAID server. One day you will switch on your computer and nothing will happen, it will you know, or GOG will disappear, or the web will go, and at that point you will think, why didn't I backup all my stuff offline under my control, now I have lost everything. Backup, then backup again, and if its a weekday ending in Y backup again.
TL;DR; Backup, backup, backup, repeat ad initium.
Example: Backup!