darktjm: I was under the impression that Beamdog wanted to own/"enhance" old BioWare games. In that context, BioWare has everything to do with it. Once they decide what they want, they can negotiate with the associated parties for the rights, regardless of who those parties are these days.
Let's be honest here. Beamdog have proven, again and again, that they're only interested in making money. The fact is that the Baldur's Gate games were probably the easiest targets for a quick cashgrab, and then once they had an agreement with WotC for those, they decided they might as well exploit the other, less well-known D&D games.
They also don't own any rights about the games they've remade by the way. When you do a contract with a license holder, you're basically leasing the rights to use their assets for a limited time, after which you don't have any rights at all. That's why GOG can't sell any old racing games with real cars, for instance, the rights to use the cars' likeness have long expired.
darktjm: If you say so. IP ownership is complex, and I doubt WoTC has all the rights to those games that you seem to claim. In fact, I doubt they have any more than veto rights. Atari (or whoever bought the rights from Atari) and BioWare have much more right to the code. Did CDPR pay WoTC for using a modified Aurora engine in the Witcher? If they did, WoTC has far better lawyers than I ever imagined.
Any rights owned by Atari (and Interplay, back when they were the ones publishing D&D games) were temporary, and reverted to WotC long ago. Bioware has never had any right at all, developers who work under a publisher never do, since they're ulitmately nothing more than a subcontractor. They don't own anything for the same reason that the architect who made the plans for a house or the construction workers who built it don't own it.
The rights to a game is entirely different from the rights to an engine. Bioware probably does own the rights for the Aurora engine as such, but they don't have any rights to games built with the aurora engine.