teceem: DRM is never "optional".
Sure it is, developers aren't required to implement it.
Optional for the developer...
Did you think I was talking about DRM being optional for the customer? XD
teceem: Ok, with
some games on the Epic Store you have to add something to the shortcut value to make it run without the client. But can you really call that DRM? e.g. would you call a game "non-moddable" because you have to edit a text config file?
And I know, publishers or Epic themselves could also add DRM where none was before in the future. But that could happen to GOG too (yes, I know, not the same probability).
But for now, most Epic games are DRM free - turn off auto updating or zip them up while they're (still) DRM free. The latter is the better idea - some may still remember Steam before mandatory updating became a thing.
Key word being some. I'm not talking about the ones where you can do that. The Epic Launcher does provide a DRM that is optional for the developer, Shadow Complex uses it. None of the methods that work for other games work for it.