Maighstir: Steam was created as a distribution and community platform. Their DRM system (CEG) came later.
AB2012: Steam have two "layers" of DRM - the basic Steamworks client check that's been there since Half Life 2 (2004) and CEG (Custom Executable Generation) that was added as a second optional layer in 2009. The extremely primitive Steam (2004) at the time was indeed little more than a DRM wrapper for HL2 though (with a huge amount of negative sentiment at the time), and many of Steam's social / community features only came years after this (eg, cloud functionality was only added in 2009, user reviews added only in 2013, etc).
paladin181: Verify that HL 2 was DRM free actually.
AB2012: It wasn't originally DRM-Free back in 2004 but the DRM has since been removed but not for all Valve games. Eg, HL1 (Source), HL2 and Portal 1 are "portable" & DRM-Free but other Valve games like HL1 (non-Source) and Portal 2 are still DRM'd and refuse to start without the client.
HL2 is still drm, you dont get an installer for it.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: GOG was (and still is) my favorite. BUT...
1. It turns down games that i really want (as well as many other gamers, judging by wishlist votes). One example, Celeste; another one, Agony Unrated.
2. I don't like Censor (and "fixing", "correctness"), much. Especially the dishonest, silent, stealthy pushing way of shoving it on you. In fact, Censorship is my number one deal-breaker, right after DRM and obligatory client.
I would greatly appreciate, reccomendations of known stores, that sell COMPLETELY DRM-FREE games.
Humble store, for instance, has a selection of DRM-Free games. Same goes for itchio. What are the other friendly to gamers storefronts?
They even have duke nukem and some other games where you can't find elsewhere. I also believe they will be having a redesign for their website soon and more games added.
SirPrimalform: I'm not saying there aren't DRM-free games, just that there is an optional Epic Launcher provided DRM.
teceem: DRM is never "optional".
Ok, with some games on the Epic Store you have to add something to the shortcut value to make it run without the client. But can you really call that DRM? e.g. would you call a game "non-moddable" because you have to edit a text config file?
And I know, publishers or Epic themselves could also add DRM where none was before in the future. But that could happen to GOG too (yes, I know, not the same probability).
But for now, most Epic games are DRM free - turn off auto updating or zip them up while they're (still) DRM free. The latter is the better idea - some may still remember Steam before mandatory updating became a thing.
Is there a way to tell what games on Epic have drm and which ones dont?